Book 3: "Rebirth"

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(A/N): Hello there.

Hope you all enjoy this chapter. I hit some writers block while working on the next Young Justice chapter and so decided to work on this for a while.

I appreciate all the comments and votes, it means the world to me. Thanks again and I hope you enjoy this chapter.



3rd Person POV

A massive luxury airship soared over Air Temple Island, approaching the docks and lowering down towards the ground.

Air acolytes grabbed onto the dangling ropes and pulled the airship into its docking position, securing it low enough to the ground so that the ramp could safely lower.

The doors slid open and a smiling Asami stepped out into the morning sun. She casually walked down the ramp as most of Team Avatar and the airbending family assembled on the docks.

Asami: "Did someone order a fully equipped Future Industries airship?"

Korra: "It's wonderful, thanks Asami."

Asami: "I figured if we're going to Ba Sing Se, we should do it in style."

The shadowbender hummed in agreement as he stared up at the massive airship, taking in its dozens of engines and long glass windows surrounding the main cabin.

Meelo and Ikki cheered in excitement before racing up the ramp to explore the airship.

Kya: "Pema and I will hold down the fort while you guys are gone."

Koza smiled softly as Kya was handed his half brother Rohan and held in laughter as he immediately threw up on his aunt.

While Kya sighed in disgust, Lin and Mako walked up the trail towards the crowd and the massive airship. Korra went to greet Mako and thank him for coming while Koza distracted his mother long enough for Korra and Bolin to forcibly conscript the firebender.

Lin: "I know what you're doing, you have that dumb smile on your face again."

Koza: "I don't know what you're talking about. Can't I just say bye to my grumpy old mom?"

Lin: "Old?"

Koza: "Would experienced sound better?"

The police chief rolled her eyes and fought off the urge to smile, taking a quick glance over at Korra, Mako and Bolin.

Lin: "Take him, sounds like you'll need him more than I will. But I want you all back in one piece, so don't do anything stupid."

Koza: "Got it. Hey, it's not like it can go any worse than the last trip Team Avatar went on."

The police chief held her gaze on her son until he stopped chuckling at his own joke and took her seriously.

Koza: "I'll be safe mom, I'll look after all of them. I promise."

Lin smiled and gently placed a hand on Koza's shoulder, but that wasn't enough for the shadowbender. He quickly hugged his mother, holding her for half a second then releasing the hug so nobody would notice. The police chief softly smiled before waving a final goodbye to the rest of Team Avatar and turning back towards the dock.

Once Koza returned to the group, everyone was ready to depart. After soothing Meelo and Ikki's anger over being left out of the expedition, Team Avatar boarded the massive airship and left for the Earth Kingdom.

Once everyone was situated and unpacked in their respective cabins, Mako placed a large map across the table in the center of the main lobby.

Mako: "As of right now, these are the towns and villages that have reported new airbenders. We can hit most of them on our way to Ba Sing Se."

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