Book 1: "Turning the Tides Part 2"

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3rd Person POV:

Koza slammed his fist into an Equalist, the masked terrorist went flying through the courtyard and slammed into a tree.

Koza: "They've broken through the White Lotus guards!"

Lin: "Hold your ground! This is the last choke point on the island! If we don't stop them here they'll take the temple in minutes!"

The Lieutenant rushed forward, swinging his electric batons at Koza who was desperately backing up and waiting for an opening.

The split second the Equalist leader over exposed himself, Koza counter attacked with everything he had. The powerful shot of darkness wrapped around the Lieutenant's body and sent him flying into the garden and eventually tumbling down a small hill.

Lin was easily dispatching a large group of Equalist, launching large stones in all directions with deadly accuracy.

Despite the heroic mother and son defense, the two weren't in a position to fight forever. Another two airships arrived and quickly deployed their soldiers to the courtyard, surrounding the former police chief and shadowbender.

Lin: "Whatever happens, don't stop fighting."

Koza: "Trust me, I'm not stopping."

Koza whistled as loud as he could and Maska came charging into the courtyard, blood dripping from her muzzle and eyes glowing bright blue.

The giant gray wolf violently bit the first Equalist she came across, easily swinging his body around as the helpless man screamed in a mix of horror and pain.

Jinora: "Yeah Maska! Get them!"

Lin snapped her gaze back to the temple and saw the three airbending kids watching the fight from a window on the second floor.

Lin: "You three shouldn't be out here! It's too dangerous!"

Ikki: "Get off our island!"

The kids cheered as Maska tore through a group of Equalist and Lin reluctantly turned her attention back to the fight.

Koza pulled darkness from underneath the temple porch and used it to force the Equalist into large groups for Maska to attack.

With the help of several White Lotus sentries that arrived from the opposite side of the island, the group quickly overwhelmed the Equalist and forced them to surrender.

As the group was tying up the Equalist, the airbending kids rushed back into the courtyard to celebrate the victory.

Lin: "Take these Equalist and lock them in the temple's basement."

The White Lotus sentries took the large group of Equalist and marched them inside to the makeshift prison in the basement.

Koza was using a spare rag to clean the large amount of blood off Maska's face. The giant wolf stayed surprisingly still and Koza rewarded his companion with a head scratch after he finished cleaning her muzzle.

The familiar sound of a sky-bison groaning was heard as Oogi landed in the courtyard. The airbending kids rushed to greet Tenzin as Korra, Mako, Bolin and Asami jumped off the saddle.

Tenzin: "Oh thank goodness you're all alright."

Meelo: "We watched Koza and the scary lady catch the bad guys!"

Tenzin: "You two let them watch! Do you realize what could've happened?!"

Koza: "Well we didn't really have a choice, they just kind of showed up while we were fighting."

The Legend of Korra: Male OC x Asami Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat