Book 2: "Shadow of the White Lotus"

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3rd Person POV:

The following morning, Korra arrived at the animal stables before the crack of dawn. Unalaq was gathering supplies and preparing several animals for a journey to the South Pole.

Unalaq: "You're early."

Korra: "What can I say, I'm pumped up to learn that Unalaq spirit fighting."

Unalaq: "I'm not here to teach you to fight spirits. I'm here to help you begin your spiritual training. We're going to one of the most remote places in the world. The long neglected spiritual center of your tribe, the South Pole."

Korra: "You're going to train me at the South Pole?"

Unalaq: "We will do more than just train. By neglecting the spirits, the people of the south have brought darkness upon themselves, and now it threatens to destroy our tribe. We must set things right. The Southern Water Tribe depends on you."

Korra: "A dangerous trip to the South Pole? Count me in!"


Koza walked through the crowded streets of the Southern Water Tribe, wearing a dark blue cloak and hat to cover his hair. He made the decision to stay in the Water Tribe right before his family was set to depart for the Southern Air Temple, making up some story about needing to help Asami that his father reluctantly accepted.

Tenzin could see right through Koza's excuse and only agreed to leave him behind if the shadowbender promised to make an effort to rejoin them on the trip at some point.

Asami was the only one who knew Koza stayed behind, the shadowbender asking her to keep that information to herself for the time being.

She was hesitant to agree but Koza managed to convince her that it was nothing to worry about.

After wandering around for the better half of the morning, Koza finally found what he was looking for. He stopped in front of a small restaurant on the corner of a side street. The bar looked somewhat out of place, the dark color bricks matching the style of building often seen in Republic City more than the Water Tribes.

He quickly made his way up the steps and into the small restaurant. Nobody paid him any attention, focusing on their meals and the morning newspaper.

The shadowbender stepped up to the bar and took a seat, waiting a minute before the bartender walked over to him.

Bartender: "Morning. Can I get you something to drink?"

The shadowbender didn't say a word, he simply reached into his pocket and grabbed a White Lotus pin that he used for his dress clothes in Republic City. He gently set the pin on the bar and the bartender quickly studied it.

Koza: "I'm looking for a flower shop, something exotic if I can help it."

Bartender: "I have just the place, follow me."

The bartender began walking towards the stairs in the corner of the room. Koza quickly grabbed his pin and followed the man up to the second floor, letting out a sigh of relief that his pass code was the right one.

After a short walk they arrived at a wooden door with a lotus flower carved into it. The bartender knocked twice before opening the door and motioning for Koza to enter. The second he was inside, the bartender shut the door and walked away.

The room was a decent size, two large tables took up the majority of the space. Both the tables were full of paper documents and books. Koza recognized the only other person in the room, the Grand Master from the compound where he and Korra were trained prior to sneaking away to Republic City.

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