Book 1: "The Voice in the Night"

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(A/N): Hello there.

Thanks for the support, I really appreciate it. This is another largely unedited chapter that I wrote well over a year ago now so I apologize for any grammar mistakes in advance.


3rd Person POV:

Koza was sound asleep in his bed but suddenly woke up to a violent scream coming from Korra's room.

Koza immediately jumped into action and looked out the window and across the courtyard to Korra's room. Korra has her window open letting in the cool night breeze. Koza concentrates on Korra's room and appears in it a moment later.

He finds Korra sitting upright on her bed, gasping for air and covered in sweat. Korra spins around to face Koza and he instantly notices the look of fear on her face. Korra's pupils are dilated and Koza can hear her heavy breathing from across the room.

Koza: "Korra... Korra, what's wrong?"

Korra: "It-it's alright.... It was just a dream. J-just a bad dream."

Koza: "Do you want to talk about it?"

Koza sat down on Korra's bed and Korra shifted over so both their feet were dangling over the edge. Korra sighed and leaned back against the wall, letting out a stress filled sigh.

Koza: "You know you can tell me anything, right?You're not going to face the Equalist alone, I'll be right beside you."

Korra: "Thanks... I'm going to try and get some sleep."

Koza: "Okay, I'll see you in the morning."

Koza looked out the window and sank into the darkness of Korra's bed. He appeared back in his room and jumped into bed. The second he hit the bed he passed out while Korra struggled to get some sleep.

The following day went by fast. Korra refused to leave the island to train with the Fire Ferrets. Instead she stayed and completely dedicated herself to her airbending training. A move that surprised pretty much everyone, given the fact that she was so eager to get off the island last week.

Koza went outside to wait with Korra who was finishing some airbending exercises before dinner. The shadowbender sat down on the steps leading from the courtyard to the deck and patiently waited for dinner to be ready. Korra was listening to jazz music over the radio while going through the exercise Tenzin taught her.

Suddenly the radio became static and the music cut out. Korra completely froze with fear when Amon's voice replaced the calming music she was listening to. Koza jumped up and ran to Korra's side while her pupils dilated and she began to shake.

Amon: "Good evening, my fellow Equalist. This is your leader, Amon. As you have heard the Republic Council has voted to make me public enemy number one, proving once again that the bending oppressors of this city will stop at nothing to quash our revolution. But we cannot be stopped. Our numbers grow stronger by the day. You no longer have to live in fear. The time has come for benders to experience fear."

Koza sent a small wave of darkness that knocked the plug out of the outlet, cutting power to the radio. Korra snapped out of her trance and pushed past Koza on her way inside the temple.

Koza: "Korra, wait!"

Korra: "I'm fine!"

Koza sighed and followed Korra inside for dinner.

They sat down for dinner with Tenzin, Pema and their children. Koza sat with Korra, Ikki and Jinora are on their left, Pema and Meelo on the right. Tenzin sat down directly across from Koza and Korra, he began the prayer that he always says before a meal.

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