Book 2: "Peacekeepers"

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(A/N): Hello there!

I'm back with another chapter, and I'm really enjoying writing these chapters despite book 2 is my least favourite book in the show.

I apologize for the lack of Koza in this chapter, I didn't intend to have him barely be in the chapter but that's just the way it worked out. I promise we will focus a lot on him in the coming chapters.

Thanks for your support and I hope you enjoy the chapter!


3rd Person POV:

The ramp lowered on Varricks yacht and Team Avatar unceremoniously walked off the ship. They all looked tired and drained of energy.  

They were greeted by Lin, who was at the docks arresting several smugglers with a few of her metal-benders.

Lin: "Welcome home Avatar, thanks for starting a war."

Korra: "I didn't start a war! Well... I did, but it's more complicated than you're making it seem."

The chief of police chose to ignore the Avatar and immediately turned her attention to Mako, ordering him back back to work as soon as he was ready.

Lin: "Mako, I want you back on the beat. There's going to be a Southern Water Tribe peace march tonight. I need you there to make sure things don't get out of hand."

Mako: "I'm all yours."

Korra: "I'll go too. The people of the South need to see that the Avatar's on their side in the fight against the Northern invaders."

Lin: "Great, that should calm them down."

Lin scoffed and walked away, climbing into the police truck moments before it drove off.

Mako: "Maybe you should sit this out."

Korra: "What?"

Mako: "I just think having you there blatantly supporting one side will only make things worse. You could at least try to seem neutral."

Koza: "She's not neutral, she started this damn thing."

The shadowbender whistled for Maska as he walked by the Avatar and firebender.

Korra: "Where are you going?"

Koza: "We need an army. I'm going to find one."

The shadowbender waved goodbye and gripped the reins on Maska's saddle. The giant wolf sped off into the crowded streets, leaving the rest of Team Avatar on the docks.

Mako: "I'm heading to work, I'll see you tonight."

Asami: "I better go check up on my factory."

Korra grabbed Naga and immediately went to go find out more information on the peach march. Varrick and Zhu-li walked off to get Varrick a pedicure, but turned around once the crazed inventor took an interest in Bolin.

Bolin: "Uhh... what should I be doing?"

Mako: "I don't know Bolin, figure something out."

Varrick spun around that instant and took a long look at Bolin, grabbing the earthbenders shoulder and pulling him close.

Bolin shifted uncomfortably and tried to squirm away from Varrick without making it obvious that's what he was doing.

Varrick: "Say, kid. Have you ever seen Republic City at night?"

Bolin: "Sure, I live here."

Varrick: "But have you really seen it?"

Bolin: "Umm... no?"

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