Book 1: "And The Winner Is... + Aftermath Part 1"

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3rd POV:

The Fire Ferrets were training in the pro bending gym, all three are determined to win the championship match tonight.

The team has the radio playing while they bend their respective elements at pictures of Tahno, the Wolf-Bats team captain. Korra jumps in celebration after sending repeated blasts of water that cut the small picture into smaller pieces.

Korra: "I've got a good feeling about tonight! I don't care if we are the underdogs, we can take those pompous Wolf-Bats."

Mako: "It's going to be our toughest match ever, but I think you're right."

Bolin jumped into Mako, wrapping his arm around his brother's shoulder and yelling out in an announcer's voice.

Bolin: "Introducing your new champs, the fantastic Fire Ferrets!"

Mako struggled to get out of his brothers grip while laughing and Korra giggled with a massive smile forming on her face.

The radio crackled as the group's music faded away. Korra instantly knew what it meant, Amon was interrupting the broadcast once again.

Korra's eyes widened in fear as she started to lightly shake. She'd barely talked about her fear of Amon after the incident on Avatar Aang memorial island.

Amon: "Good morning, citizens of Republic City. This is Amon, I hope you all enjoyed last night's pro-bending match, because it will be the last. It's time for this city to stop worshiping bending athletes as if they were heroes. I am calling on the council to shut down the bending arena and cancel the finals or else, there will be severe consequences."

The radio crackled off as the broadcast signal faded away.

Bolin: "That guy's got some nerve!"

Mako: "Do you think the council will give in?"

Korra didn't respond at first. Her gaze was kept on the blinking light on the radio. Mako gently grabbed her shoulder and Korra jumped back.

Mako: "Hey... you okay?"

Korra: "I'm fine! Let's get to city hall."


Deep in the library of Wan Shi Tong, Koza was perfecting firebending moves that proved successful with shadowbending in the previous days of training. He was slightly upset that he wasn't going to make it back for the pro-bending finals but knew that this took priority. He'd learned so much in the span of a few days, far more than he ever had at Air Temple Island or with the White Lotus.

Despite his determination to remain focused on his training, the shadowbender constantly found his mind wandering to Asami. What she could be doing, if she was alright and if she was thinking about him. He had no idea how to tell her how he felt, speaking about his feelings was incredibly foreign to him.

Wan: "I believe I've taught you all I can. If you'll allow me to sketch down your firebending forms then we can prepare you for your journey home."

Koza: "Of course, I'll start with the first set."

Wan carefully sketched Koza's bending forms with extreme detail in one of his blank books that would soon be added to his personal collection.

Wan: "Next if you please."

Koza obliged and moved through the sets. After a short few hours Wan had completed his sketches in great detail and the shadowbender got an idea.

Koza: "Wan, would you mind if I asked you for a favour?"

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