Chapter 42: New Plan?

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Harlan? No. That's impossible he's just a kid. Well... I guess he was in 1963 and now we're back in 2019...

Harlan ignored her and walked toward Jayme and Alphonso's bodies.

Diego whistled causing me to turn around and see Stanley climbing over the desk.

"You! Upstairs! Now!" Diego yelled.

I walked over and placed my hand on his shoulder, "Diego..."

"Y/N, no. He's in serious trouble!" He said as he stomped over to Stanley.

Stanley just looked up at him with tears in his eyes before wrapping his arms around Diego.

My heart. And Diego was worried about being a dad.

Stanley let him go and quickly ran over to the elevator. Diego walked over to me and I patted his shoulder.

"Oh man. Heavens to betsy. What did you do?"

I turned to see Klaus standing behind the bodies.

"Did Viktor go full Carrie again?"

Viktor quickly shook his head.

"We didn't do this," Allison said as she nodded towards Harlan.

"Harlan?" Viktor asked.

"Don't!" Harlan yelled causing us to jump, "Don't come near me, please."

"I just want to make sure that you're okay," Viktor said, "You can... you can talk now."

Klaus snuck around them and stood beside Allison, Diego, and me.

"I can do a lot of things now," Harlan said.


"Who the hell is creepy grandpa?" Klaus whispered.

"It's Harlan. The little boy from Dallas," I said, 'Who isn't so little anymore."

Allison slightly gasped, "Oh yeah, shit."

"Oh shit. You're right," Klaus said, "but didn't he get rid of all the kids mojo when he did all..." He shook his body, "That?"

"Yeah, I guess that didn't stick," Allison said

"What's he doing here, now?" Klaus asked.

"Who cares? He saved us from the sparrows," Diego said.

"Oh, wow," Klaus gasped, "He did that?"

I nodded.


We all looked over at Luther who was leaning down by Sloane trying to get her to wake up.

"Are you alright?"

She winced and he helped her sit up.

Her eyes widened at the sight of her siblings dead bodies.

"It's alright. Sloane, it's alright," Luther said as she quickly got up and ran away, "Sloane!"

"You got a live one, Luther!" Diego yelled as he took off.

"Sloane!' Luther yelled.

"Harlan, wait!" Viktor yelled.

I looked over to see Harlan jogging up the stairs.

"Hey, go help Luther," Viktor said.

"What about you?" Allison asked.

"I can handle it. Go!" Viktor yelled.

"Okay. Okay," Allison said as she took off towards Diego and Luther.

What the hell just happened and what the hell is that smell?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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