Chapter 5--Ingressus pov.

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I walk into the room that they're keeping her in and find that the chains that I made a few years ago are now on her arms and ankles. I know she isn't going anywhere; I look towards a female Voltaris who nods and goes out of the room to get more guards. A few other Voltaris walk in a moment later, and I sit down on a chair next to the bed that my prisoner is chained to. I gaze at her for a moment. She's young, about Tygren's age. She reminds me a bit of someone.... I stop and frown at the thought of my mate, Sanari. She left a long time ago, but this girl's face makes me think about her. Sanari had brown hair as well, and a few freckles but not as much as this girl has. I frown and watch her closer. She has ocean-blue markings that fade darker in some areas but that doesn't mean anything. I sit back and wait. 

"She should be waking up soon." A guard tells me, and I nod to him. I turn back to find her slowly sitting up. I smile at her, and the guards go out leaving us alone. She looks towards me then shirks back, realizing that she has chains. She looks down at them surprised then back to me. 

"Goodmorning." I say and she stays quiet for a moment before looking down at the chains and lifting them up flinging them into the wall behind her. I have to keep from flitching at the sound as it echoes around us. She looks back at me as I stare at her.

"You must be Ingressus." She says her voice barley a whisper.

"And you must be Addy." I say, standing up and grabbing her chin a bit forcefully and making her meet my eyes as I brush her hair back so that it hangs down on her back. She doesn't say anything, and I stay holding her chin staring at her. "They were right.... you are pretty...."

"How do you know my name? None of the Voltaris ever asked me." She says fiercely, ignoring m comment.

"I have my ways just like you have yours." I say and smile slowly. "Now I have questions for you."

She stays quiet waiting for me to ask them. 

"First.... do I scare you?" I ask interested in her answer. So far, she's seemed pretty fearless, but her face immediately goes to stress, and I get a bit closer to her making her try to get out of my grip and squeeze her eyes shut. I'm amused at her struggle and await an answer. She finally stops struggling but keeps her eyes shut.

"Y-yes." She stammers and I smile evilly. She still won't open her eyes, so I'll wait. I grip her chin harder causing her to open her eyes slightly only to close them again.

"Good...." I say quietly trying to scare her more. It's working and I tilt my head at her slightly. "If you're afraid of me then you'll do what I say.... correct?"

"You can't make me." She manages to snarl through her fear opening her eyes and biting her lip to keep from trembling. 

"Oh, I think I can. I am your captor after all, I can do...." I say getting even closer to her face until I'm whispering in her ear. "Anything I want to you."

She trembles slightly and I move away a tiny bit, not enough that she won't still be just as scared just enough that I'm letting her calm down a bit, but she still refuses to look at me her eyes fearful of what's to come. 

"That was only my first question, Addy." I hiss and she looks towards me slightly, nervously. 

"Y-you have more?" She asks and I smile evilly at her again. 

"Many more." I say and she moves her chains again. It's starting to annoy me, but I won't let go of her chin so she can't do anything else. "Now, why were you alone?" 

She moves again this time looking down at my arm and then at my chest. I don't know what she's doing, she already knows who I am, but if she was raised in the woods, she might be realizing what I'm known by. She grows even more fearful, and I can't help but smile lightly. 

"I-" She starts.

"There's no point in lying to me......" I say making her flitch at the harshness in my voice. I've always been able to tell when someone is lying so she can't tell me any lies without me knowing. "Now tell me the truth...." I say getting close to her again.

"I-I-I was just alone...." Addy stammers.

"I said tell. me. the. TRUTH." I growl gripping her chin hard enough that she twists a bit and grabs my arm trying to move it.

"I-I will." She says then screams slightly as I yank her head to the side for a moment before turning her head back to me.

"So, tell me." I say waiting and calming down a bit, loosening my grip on her chin but not letting go.

"M-my... mother... is dead" she says. 

"And the rest of your family, your father? Siblings? what happened to them?" I demand.

"M-my mother said my father told her to go elsewhere to have me.... but it was during the great war." She says. "And I'm an only child."

I think for a moment, I remember telling Sanari to go hide and have our child elsewhere as well.... but that doesn't mean anything.

"This is the last question I'll ask for now...." I say and she closes her eyes. "Do you think you can escape...?"

"Yes," She snarls, and I smile evilly looking at her chains then letting go of her chin.

"Then you might want to take a closer look at your chains." I say and turn towards the door before walking out without another word. I'll ask her more questions in an hour. 

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