Chapter 37--Gain and Loss

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We run through the woods faster than I knew we could, and I pant as we finally reach the place that the other Ardoni went. We stop and my father glances back at me. I go over and sit down by a tree.

"Stay here while I find out where they went." He commands and I nod and wait for a while. I look around at the trees the familiar trees. Me and Elise walked out here once and played in the stream, and I think that this also the same place I introduced them to each other. My heart lurches. I have lost three people I care about.... Mother, Elaina, Vena.... Two of them are dead and one of them could be dead. I see a small glowing light in the distance and look up, it's glowing a sunset color even though the sun has already set. I walk towards it and then nudge away some bushels seeing a sunset-colored song and immediately taking it out from the ground.

 I walk towards it and then nudge away some bushels seeing a sunset-colored song and immediately taking it out from the ground

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"Addironium." I whisper then hear father walking back up. 

"Addy?" He calls and I step out.

"Here." I say and walk over to him.

"I found a trapdoor and killed all of those ones who killed Vena." he says, and I bite my lip to hold back tears. He notices this and walks over and hugs me then sees the song in my hand.

"What's that?" He asks.

"It's the song I was telling you about, the fifth one." I say and hand it to him. He takes it and watches the small circles zoom around in the cube as if looking for a way out. He pockets it and I shrug in my mind, at least we have one. 

"Let's go." He tells me and I grab his hand and let him guide me down where a bunch of dead bodies are littered. I walk forward hesitantly and my father bends down and opens a trapdoor then looks up at me.

"Follow right after me, I'll catch you." He tells me then jumps down. I hear a light thud and shuffle slightly. "Jump!" I hear him yell and shut my eyes before jumping down and feeling him catch me. He sets me down and draws his sword. I draw my rapiers to at least look intimidating. We walk forward more and look around. It is an underground tunnel with several empty cells on the sides. I shudder at the dripping noises and my father slows down slightly until were walking side-by-side. I jump when I hear a shuffling and a rat runs past our feet. My father hushes me but I can see the sympathy in his eyes. I nod and we continue further into the tunnel.

Elaina p.o.v.

I flinch as the Mendoris brings his sword down and I roll to the side to avoid getting cut again. I hear yells and the sound of sword clashing aginst swords and I know that they don't train with each other down here... the Mendoris turns towards the doors then an Aggresium song is fired and the Mendoris falls down beside me as his purple markings fade away. Someone runs through the smoke and in a moment, I am being embraced in a tight hug with the wind nearly getting knocked out of me.

"Elaina!" A female voice cries.

"Addy?" I question then hug my friend tightly ignoring the pain from my legs when they cut me so I couldn't run away. 

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" She gasps then let's go of me and breathes out and hugs me again. "Are you ok?!"

"Yeah, I'm fine but--" I start then I hear a voice a stammering voice. The voice of Ingressus, my master.

"S-Sanari?" He stammers.

"Wait Sanari as in my mother?" Addy asks then Ingressus bursts through the door and looks at me.

"Is Sanari alive?" He asks with wide eyes.

"Yes, I figured this out a while ago." I say and he leaves.

"Wait my mother is alive?" Addy asks. 

"Yeah, but they cut her legs so that she couldn't run away." I say. 

"Why?" She asks and then Ingressus comes back supporting Sanari with his arm. 

"Mom...?" She asks then lunges at her mother and slams into her practically knocking her down and they laugh, and Sanari hugs her daughter back as Ingressus helps them up. Addy walks up and grabs my hand and leads me out.

"Come on were going home." She says.

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