Chapter 31--Worry

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Addy POV.

Me and Elise walk through the woods and Elise wrinkles her nose at a comment I just made.

"I'm sure it's not that bad up in Hailstone. I hear its rather beautiful." She says and I toss my head to the side making my hair fling out behind me then rest on my back.

"It can be ok. I have a few good friends there and it's always fun when father makes time for me." I say.

"He normally doesn't?" Elise asks.

"He's just... busy." I say and Elise gives me a sympathetic look.

"I'm sure he still loves you; he'd be lost if something happened to you." Elise says and I whip towards her with wide eyes, and she raises her eyebrow.

"Oh! I won't do that!" She gasps and I sigh in relief. 

"Thank you." I say.

"You're welcome." She says and we grin at each other.

Nerinsis POV. In case you have forgotten this is Elaina's father. 

I head upstairs towards Elaina's room and call for her. She doesn't respond and I fold my arms then call again. Lucidious hears my calls and walks up beside me.

"She's not here." He says.

"So where is she?" I ask turning towards him.

"I don't know but if she isn't responding she's not here." He responds coolly and I turn unconvinced and head upstairs. I open Elaina's door and see that she is indeed not in there.

"Where could she be?" I wonder worriedly.

"Probably with Addy she's always-- Oh Ingressus is going to kill me." he starts and stares at the wall with a distressed face.

"Why is that?" I ask.

"I was supposed to watch her, and I just let her run off." He says guiltily.

"Elaina isn't with Addy. She would tell me if she was. Something is wrong." I say heading down towards him and he eyes me for a moment.

"We could check the woods, I'm sure they're there." Lucidious suggests and I nod then we run off.

Addy POV.

Elise jumps down from the tree and hands me an apple which I bite into and sit on the log beside her. I bite into my apple and Elise goes forward with a question.

"How did your mother die?" She asks and I look towards her.

"She was killed by a Kaltaris--" I start.

"The one that looked like his insides were ripped out?' She asks.

"He did not look like his insides were ripped out. I argue then hear voices and see red lights.

"Quick! Hide!" I gasp then push Elise behind the log and we crouch down lowly but enough that we can still see the Voltaris that were coming.

"This is where the trail stops." Lucidious gasps and I see Nerisnsis beside him with a worried and distressed face.

"Something happened." He gasps. "I knew it...."
"Let's just report this to Master Ingressus, He'll know what we can do." Lucidious says then places a hand on his shoulder. He nods and then they run off the other way. I stand up and Elise looks up at me.

"What is it Addy--?" She starts.

"I have to go." I gasp then turn and before she can say another thing I'm running after Lucidious and Nerisnsis.

Ingressus POV.

"Where is Addy?!" I demand as I walk out of the tower with a few Voltaris behind me. I whip towards them, and they shirk away slightly. "Where is Lucidious I'd like to have a very violent talk with him."

The healer--Vena I think leans to the side then her eyes widen, and she looks towards me then points to where Lucidious and Nerinsis are running towards us. 

"Oh, now I'll have his head for losing my daughter." I snarl but once they reach us, I can tell something is wrong.

"Master Ingressus." Nerinsis pants as he bows deeply.

"What is it?" I ask taking a small step forward and looking between them worriedly.

"It's Elaina, we can't find her anywhere--" Lucidious starts but Nerinsis interrupts him.

"She's dead." He sobs and I look over to him with wide and surprised eyes.

"We don't know that she's dead." Lucidious snaps.

"Let's take this inside, shall we?" I ask and gesture to the door. They both nod and I pull Nerinsis up beside me as the rest of the Voltaris that were with me follow us. I try to comfort Nerinsis and try to assure him that it's ok, but I can tell it's not working. 

Addy POV.

I bolt up the stairs leading to Hailstone and burst through the crowd as I run after them. When I reach the meeting tower my father is leading Nerinsis inside the meeting room. I run after them and wait for the door to close then press my ear to the door to hear their conversation.

"It's fine, she will be fine." I hear Lucidious say, 

"We were following a trail of BLOOD Lucidious, BLOOD." I hear Nerinsis gasp, and I hear Lucidious shuffle slightly.

"Are you sure you couldn't find Elaina anywhere?" I hear my father ask and I press my ear to the wall more. This conversation is about her, and they can't.... find her. 

"I'm sure we followed it to a clearing and it just stopped." Lucidious says and I burst through the door, and they all turn towards me.

"What are you doing here dear?" Vena asks.

"Addy?" My father asks and looks at me worriedly. "How much did you hear?"

"I heard enough!" I find myself yelling and my father furrows his brow. "Elaina is missing--my best friend is missing, and no one is doing anything about it! Well, if you won't do anything.... I will." 

I turn to run but I hear a Mobilium song, and my father grabs my wrist. I twist out of his grip, but he grabs me from behind. I struggle tremendously and he finally speaks.

"Addy, stop. There's nothing you can do. Even if you did find her whoever took her or... killed her... would kill you without a moment's hesitation and I'm not risking anymore lives than I have to, let alone my own daughter's."

I finally stop struggling and slump in his arms defeatedly. 

"I will send people to look for her and I might let you come with us for the search at one point but for now I need you to stay with me for your safety." He says.

"Yes father." I say and he finally let's go of me and I follow him back into the building feeling horrible for my friend.

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