Chapter 35--Discover

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Addy p.o.v.

I wake up snuggled up with my father on the couch on the top level. I didn't realize we feel asleep, and I sit up, rubbing my eyes. I stop. I feel bad in doing this, but it is a chance to save Elaina. I quietly slip out of my father's arms and then watch him to make sure he doesn't wake up. I look over towards a chest and fling it open grabbing a cloak. I drape it over my shoulders and pin the front of it together pulling it over my head and walking towards the stairs. I glance back at my father who is still sleeping and sigh. I'll be back in no time. 

"Elise!" I shout, calling for my friend. If I'm going to try and find Elaina, I need someone who knows these woods better than me. I stop in the middle of the clearing and wait... and wait and wait. "Elise!" I call again then I hear the ruffling of leaves and Elise drops down beside me.

"Hey, I have been wondering why you didn't come back when you ran off after those two Voltaris that came in the woods." she tells me, and I turn towards her.

"My father made me stay; he was worried about me." I tell her then glance back towards Hailstone guiltily.

"Oh..." Elise says. "He didn't let you come out here, did he?"

I shake my head not wanting to say out loud that I probably gave my father a heart attack by sneaking off like this. 

"My friend, Elaina was kidnapped." I explain to Elise changing the subject.

"Oh no!" She gasps. "By who?"

"The other clans I think, and I need your help finding her." I tell her and she nods. 

"I'll help." She says and then we walk forward.

A bit later....

"So do you have any ideas where she is?" Elise asks.

"Yes, I have one." I say pausing. "She could have been taken to one of the Ardoni provinces like Kaltaria, Sendaria, Mendoria, Nestoria..."

"What about Ataraxia?" Elise asks.

"Ata-what?" I ask and she looks away rubbing her horn. 

"Oh nothing." She says and I look at her slightly sad.

"We're friends, we shouldn't be keeping secrets." I tell her.

"I'm just afraid you might tell your father about it." She says guiltily and this time I look away. I probably would tell him about it if I knew.

"It's alright you're right I probably would tell him." I sigh. 

"Alright so any other ideas about where she is?" Elise asks.

"Well, they were following a trail of blood is what Nerinsis said, and they said it stopped by the clearing with the apple tree so they must have taken her and dragged her off into the forest then through a bunch of trees after they cut her or something to make it so she couldn't get away. I know Nerinsis and Lucidious followed the trail of blood a bit further before it stopped but they couldn't have carried her while using songs. I'm guessing there were two or more because one person wouldn't be able to take down Elaina, she was too quick so they must have knocked her out then taken her. They stopped around the area with the apple tree and disappeared...." I say thinking out loud so quickly that Elise seems stunned, but I ignore it and go on with my thought. "So, they must have taken her away from there or used songs but they most likely wouldn't bring songs at the risk of the other Voltaris seeing them taking her away with them due to the towers it would be pretty easy to spot them so they must have taken her down somewhere but it's not like they have underground tunnels--they probably have underground tunnels." I realize with a light gasp and stop. Elise stops to then shakes her head after she checks the time on a little clock.

Addy The Deathsinger's Daughter(DISCONTINUED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon