Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

Miranda's POV

Thranduil hasn't come back in a while. It makes sense of course. I mean, he has his own kingdom to take care of. I looked down at Aysukoriay. She liked to stay about the size of a house cat, and she was curled up on my lap asleep.

When she was asleep, was really the only time I had my mind to myself. She relied on me for so much, I used to be so nervous. Now, I don't need to worry too much anymore.

Seeing her, it reminded me of the Arkenstone and Thorin. I was slowly getting over him, it had been a year or so, but sometimes, the pain was so fresh I didn't want to even move. But I got up for Ash.

"Thorin," I sighed quietly, petting Ash's head. I frowned and looked up at the ceiling. Thorin's relationship with the people he cared about was true. I wanted to visit the Lonely Mountain, but I didn't think the dwarves would take too kindly to me bringing another dragon there. Besides, it would be harder to leave a second time.

Bilbo, I wonder how the hobbit is doing? Should I visit? Should I ask him about the ring? Should I tell other people about the ring?

"What ring?" Ash asked, stretching.

I shook my head, "Nothing, it's time has not yet come."

Aysukoriay nodded, "Alright. Is it dinner time yet?"

I looked out the window that led toward the balcony. The sun was going down. "Yes," I responded. "It is dinnertime."

Her eyes widened with excitement, "Then let's go!" Before I could say anything, she had bounded off my bed, reached up, pushed the handle down, and scampered out of my room.

I smiled back at her and slowly followed her out. The anniversary is tomorrow. Smaug then Thorin. I sighed softly and placed my hand on my door handle, closing it behind me.

I walked down the nearly empty halls in the direction of the outdoor dining area. The train of my white and black dress trailing behind me as I walked. I played gently with the sleeves and adjusted the bangle on my wrist.

"What's on your mind?" The voice behind me startled me so much I jumped. "Sorry."

I turned around and faced Nrimir. "It's no problem. Don't worry about it. There is just something I have to tell Lord Elrond about."

Nrimir nodded, "I understand. Here, let me get that for you." He opened the door to the outside terrace and placed a hand on the small of my back, pushing me forward when I didn't move. "Enjoy your meal!" Then he walked away as the door shut behind me.

"Luna!" Elrond exclaimed happily. "When Ash showed up without you, I was worried you weren't going to eat tonight." I looked over at him, my face solemn. His face fell. "Is there something wrong?"

I paused for a moment and then shook my head. "Arwen?"

She looked up at me, "Yes?"

"Will you watch Ash for the next few days? There is something I need to do," I spoke, my voice echoing a bit in the silence.

She glanced at her father before nodding slowly, "Of course."

I smiled slightly at her, "Thank you." Then I turned back to Elrond, "After dinner, I need to speak with you."

He stared at me for, but a moment then nodded, his face betraying no emotion, "Yes."

Elf of Fire and Light: Book 2: WaterWhere stories live. Discover now