Christmas Day!

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*Jake's POV*

I can't believe Brandon fucking hit my daughter! I pulled into their driveway and ran up to the door and started pounding on it. Megan soon came to the door and opened it. "Jake?" She asked. "Where the fuck is Brandon!?" I asked. Brandon came around the corner and I flew towards him and pinned him to the floor. "If you EVER touch my daughter again, I will make you wish you were dead!" I screamed in his face and punched him in the face and began to walk out until I was stopped by Megan. "Jake I-" She began to say. "Save it! What kind of mother let's their boyfriend hit another man's 11 year old child!? Jessalynn is staying with me from now on and if you want to take this to court go ahead! I'd win anyways!" I yelled in her face and walked out of their house and ran back to my car. I went to my storage unit and got all the presents I got for Jessie and put them in my car. I drove back to the house and went inside.

*Jessalynn's POV*

*Before going to the BVB house*

"Come here, Jessalynn!" Brandon yelled. I cringed at his voice. I walked into the living room to see him and my mom sitting there. "Did you break my coffee cup?" He asked loudly. I cringed again. "No I did not." I said. "Don't give me your fucking attitude!" He roared. "I don't have one." I said and began to walk away. He ran after me and slapped me in the face. I fell to the floor and started crying. I looked over at my mom and she just sat there. He punched me on the back and kicked me in the stomach. "Okay, Brandon. That's enough." Was all my mom said. I ran to my room and shut and locked my door. I grabbed my suitcase and threw the very little clothes I had at my mom's house and put them in there.

I grabbed my CD's, all my shoes (3 pairs), toothbrush and toothpaste, my brush, my hair dye, my drawings, my drawing stuff, my pictures, my laptop, and my headphones and put them all into my suitcase and backpack. I opened my window and jumped out. Luckily my mom's house is only one story. I started running as fast as I could. My dad's house wasn't far from here, I just had to cut through the park.... The druggies were usually there this time of night. I ran until I got to the park. I looked around and there was no one here. Thank god. I started running through the park and I reached the road and ran down it and then turned down my dad's street and ran up to the door and I knocked and my Aunty Daniella opened the door.

"Jessalynn!" She said and hugged me and I instantly threw my arms around her and hugged her. "Jessalynn? As in my daughter?" Dad asked and Aunty Daniella nodded. Dad ran over. I said, "Hi daddy." He picked me up and hugged me. "You're supposed to be with your mother tonight Jessalynn. I'm going to take you back over there." He said and grabbed his keys.  "No, daddy. Please don't make me go back. Brandon keeps hitting me." I said and gripped onto him. "What?" He asked. I nodded and started crying. "Babygirl, go upstairs to your room. Santa Clause is coming." He said and I nodded and ran upstairs into my room I shared with Kali and Carson. Kali and Carson jumped from how fast I ran in and shut the door. "Jessalynn!" They both yelled and hugged me.

*Kali's POV*

Carson and I were sitting on the floor reading two AP magazines. She had an Of Mice & Men one and I had an All Time Low one. We were reading when our door flew open and Jessalynn came in and she shut the door. "Jessalynn!" Carson and I yelled. We shot up and hugged her. "Why are you here tonight? Are you okay?" Carson asked. She sat down with us and she told us what happened and I asked, "Do you have bruises?" She shrugged and took her hoodie off. We looked at her back and there was a big bruise there and she lifted up her shirt and there was a bruise starting there and a bruise starting on her face. "Do you want some ice?" I asked and she nodded and her and Carson started putting her stuff away. I walked downstairs to see 13 adults looking at me.

Can We Be Forever? Sequel to 16 and Pregnant ~Andy Biersack Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now