Hello Ohio

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So this chapter is gonna be the longest chapter so far. Hope you guys like it.

- Megan


*Andy's POV*

We got up when Kali's alarm went off. We got dressed, grabbed all of our stuff and took a cab to the airport so we didn't have to pay for airport parking. We got to the airport, I paid for the cab and we went inside. "Our gate is B. We can get something to eat in there." I said and we went through security and found our plane door and sat there. "I'm gonna go get coffee. Anyone want any?" I asked and Kali was the first to jump up. CC and Tony shook their heads no so Kali and I walked over to Starbucks. "Kali you should put on longer shorts or something." I said to her as we waited for our drinks. "Why?" She said and yawned. I sat down next to her and said, "Because 1, I'm your Uncle and I don't like guys staring at your ass and 2, I'm pretty positive Tony saw the group of guys staring at your ass also." She groaned and said, "But I'm tired and slept in them and ugh I don't wanna change." She put her head on her lap. "Just saying Kali. Watch the guy over there when you get up because I bet he will look at your ass." I said and laughed. 

"But he's like 50!" She said and fake vomited. We started laughing when we heard, "Andy and Kali" We went up there and she looked around and I was right the guy did look at her ass. She walked over to him and I pulled out my phone and started recording. She looked at him and said, "Hey creep. I'm 16, you nasty prick. Oh, and I have a boyfriend who will kick your ass, if you keep staring at mine. Keep your eyes to yourself, you asshole." She walked away and grabbed her drink. I started laughing and we went back to where our stuff was. She handed Tony her drink and opened her suitcase and slipped on sweat pants. I pulled my phone back out and said, "You guys have got to see what Kali said to this creep in Starbucks." I played the video and Tony and I started laughing. 

CC on the other hand didn't like it very much. "Kali what did I tell you about your mouth?" He asked. "Dad, it is 4 o'clock in the morning and I think it's stupid that a girl can't wear shorts without guys who are 50 looking at their a-butts. And it's also gross! Like who stares at 16 year-old's butts?" She said and Tony raised his hand and she looked at him and raised her eyebrows. "What is it wrong for me to stare at my own girlfriend'd ass?" He said and she kissed him. "Fly 659 to Cleveland, Ohio is now boarding." We heard over the intercom. We grabbed our stuff, threw away our drinks, and boarded the plane. We sat down in our assigned seats and CC got a row to himself and said, "Haha suckers." We started to take off and Kali dug her nails into mine and Tony's arms. "Ow Kali! Your nails." I said. "She's scared of planes. Just tell her it's going to be fine." CC said as the plane started to go fast and she was on the verge of tears. 

"Kali, baby, you are okay." Tony said and he rubbed her arm. Once we were in the air she let go and was fine. "So you hate the ascending and acceleration part?" I asked and she nodded and said, "And the descending." I kissed her head and made CC move over and sat with him so Kali and Tony can have their space. They put headphones in and watched a movie together. I looked over at CC and said, "Do you ever think they are gonna get married?" "Actually, I do. I think he is planning on asking her soon." He said and looked over at them. Kali was laughing and was snuggled next to him. "Are you gonna be okay with that?" I asked and he shrugged and said, "I can't keep her my little girl forever. She's growing up. A little over a year and she's 18. That's when she starts making her own decisions on what she is going to be doing with her life. She will always be Daddy's girl but she isn't Daddy's little girl anymore." "No matter how old she gets, she will always be your little girl." I said and patted his shoulder. 

*Tony's POV*

Kali and I were watching 22 Jump Street and it was hilarious. Her laughs were perfection. She looked to the back of the plane where the bathroom was and then took her headphones out and ran back there. CC and Andy looked back and then looked at me and I shrugged. She came back a few minutes later and sat back down. "Are you okay?" I whispered to her. "Yeah just had to pee really bad." She said and giggled. "Do you want me to stay up with you babe?" She asked. "No, baby. If you are tired, you go to sleep." I said and kissed her. She nodded and laid her head on my lap and fell asleep. I watched the rest of the movie and then tried sleeping too. I put my head on my pillow I brought and put my arms around her and fell asleep. 

Can We Be Forever? Sequel to 16 and Pregnant ~Andy Biersack Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now