Hold On Til May

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*Vic's POV*


I woke up in the best mood ever. I have no idea why but I was. Tony came down to the living room as I walked back into it. "You okay man?" I asked. "Yeah just tired." He said and grabbed a cup of coffee. "How can you be tired? You guys slept for like 10 hours." I said and laughed. "She had a nightmare last night and we stayed up because she didn't want to go back to sleep. I stayed up until she fell asleep and that was like 4:30 this morning." He said and took a sip. 

I put my cup in the sink and asked, "Is she okay at least?" He nodded and said, "Yeah. She told me I didn't have to stay up with her but I wasn't gonna go to sleep when she is scared out of her mind." I nodded and then went to the fridge to find something to make for breakfast. Jaime and Mike came down like 5 minutes later. As the entered the kitchen, Kali was screaming bloody murder. Tony was first up the stairs and we all were right behind him. 

*Tony's POV*

I heard someone coming down the stairs. I thought it might be Kali but it was Jaime and Mike. As they entered the kitchen, Kali started screaming bloody murder. I bolted up the stairs and the guys followed me. I reached her room and looked at her bed. She wasn't there. I walked all the way in and in the corner she has a tall dresser. She was sitting on top of that. "Kali are you okay?" I asked as I walked over to the dresser. She shook her head and pointed to her bed. I went over there and there was two gigantic tarantulas on her bed. 

She screamed again. I grabbed the empty glass on her side table and put it over them. "Are you going to kill them?" She asked without looking. "No, I'm gonna go outside and let them go." I said. "Kill them! Those stupid fuckers were on my face!" She said and shivered. "Kali, language." Vic said. "I'm sorry but I'm horrified of spiders. I don't like them. They are mean and scary." She said. "You're so cute when you're scared." I said and she threw Jessalynn's stuffed animal at me that was next to her. We all laughed. "Mikey?" She said. "I gotcha." He said and helped her down. 

*Jaime's POV*

Spiders are disgusting. When Mike helped Kali down, she went over to Tony and kissed him. "Does anyone want breakfast?" She asked. "You can cook?" I asked. "Uh yeah?" She said. "Pancakes! Pancakes!" Mike and I chanted. She laughed and grabbed a pair of shorts and put them on and put her slippers on. We were about to walk out of her room when she said, "Someone is killing those spiders." Mike picked them up and we all walked outside and he stomped on them. "Thank you." She said and hugged him. "So what kind of pancakes? I can make chocolate, banana, strawberry, or regular." "Chocolate." Mike and I said at once. "Is chocolate fine?" She asked Vic and Tony. They nodded. We went back inside and she started making them. 

*Tony's POV*


"That was amazing babe." I said as I put my plate in the sink. I pulled her in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she put her arms around my neck. She looked at for a minute and then kissed me. "Get a room!" Jaime yelled as he put his plate in the sink. She giggled and pecked me and went up to her room. She came down 5 minutes later in a bikini and said, "Anyone want to swim with me?" We all went upstairs and changed into our swim trunks. We all went down and jump into the pool. "Kali?" I said. She wasn't in the pool. 

"Look out below!" We heard Kali say. We looked up and she was standing on the really tall rocks that has the cave thing below it. "Kali get down. You are gonna get hurt." Vic said. "I'm gonna jump." She said. "Kali please be careful." I said. She nodded and took a step back and then leap forward and cannon balled into the water. "Seeeeeee I'm fine." She said and giggled. She swam toward me and wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. "I love you." She said and kissed me. "I love you, too." I said and kissed her back. 

"I have an idea!" Mike yelled. "What is your idea?" I asked. "We should go to Universal Studios tomorrow!" He responded and we all cheered but Kali. "Kali what's wrong? Do you not wanna go?" Jaime asked. "No, I do. But what about fans?" She asked. "If we get stopped a couple times we are okay." Vic said. "Okay, we can go. But you can hold me or kiss me or hold my hand or hug me the way you do." She said to me. "Damn it. It's okay. I have a lifetime to hold you and kiss you and hug you." I said and she kissed my cheek. 

"You guys are actually really good together." Mike said. "Thanks Mikey." She said. "What are we gonna do the rest of the day today?" I asked. "Well what do you usually do Kali?" Vic asked. "Uh, write songs or sing or play the guitar a little or draw." She said kinda quietly. "Can we hear you sing?" I asked. "Um s-sure. When we get out." She said. She swam over to the stairs and got out. She went over to the diving board to jump in. "Vic, we should let her sing the girl part in Hold On Til May since we haven't found a girl yet." I whispered to Vic. He nodded and high-fived me. 

*1 hour later*

*In the music room*

"So what do you guys want me to sing?" Kali asked. "Anything you want." Jaime said. 

*Kali's POV*

I decided to go with I Love Rock N Roll by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts. 

*After the song*

"Kali that was amazing." Tony said to me. "Thanks." I said. I hated singing in front of people. I've always gotten told to stop trying and that I suck. "So, Kali, We have a plan." Vic said. "Okay, shoot." I said. "Do you want to sing a duet with me for our new album? It's the last song to be recorded and you have an amazing voice." He asked and they all nodded. I thought for a moment and then nodded and said, "Okay. I'll do it." They all cheered and I giggled. I love them. I'm very lucky to have them in my life. 

"We are gonna go to the studio and figure everything out and tell Kelly that we found our girl for the part." Vic said. "I'm gonna stay here." I said. "I'll stay with her." Tony said. "Okay, we will be back in a couple hours. We will bring back food." We nodded and I picked up a guitar and started playing The Death Of Me by Asking Alexandria. They all walked downstairs and then left. I put the guitar down and went into my room. Tony followed me. We laid on my bed and listened to music. I think I'm ready. I want to have sex with Tony.

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