Bye California

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*Carson's POV*

I woke up with a pounding headache and my body was sore. Before I opened my eyes I hear the familiar beeping sound, meaning I was back in the hospital. I also hear someone crying. I opened my eyes and all of my family was in my hospital room. Most of them were a sleep but Kali, My dad, and Tony were all awake. I looked over at my dad and he was the one crying. Why am I here? "Daddy?" I said and he looked up at me. God was he a wreck. "Carson!" He said kinda loudly and hugged me. Kali rushed over and was by my side. "Daddy, why am I here?" I asked and then everyone started waking up from us talking. "Carson, you snuck out and went to a party with Taylor and you got drunk and climbed back through your window and Kali screamed. We went up there and we had you rushed here. Then Me, your mom, your sister, Tony, Uncle Andy, and Uncle Jaime got to come up to your room. When I got in here I started yelling at you and then I walked out and your mother followed me and I don't know what happened but then we saw you running out of the hospital and we all chased after you. You didn't stop running until you got to the pier at Venice. As you ran out of the hospital we call everyone to come so you would change your mind. Jacob being the fast little kid he is, ran after you and told you not to jump. You stood up on the ledge and we told you to get down and Muscles had shown up and you closed your eyes and let yourself fall but before you fell off the ledge, Muscles grabbed you. You were screaming to just let you die. Do you really want to die Carson?" My dad said and by the end of it he was in tears again.

*Daniella's POV*

I'm such a horrible mom. My own kid doesn't want to live anymore and almost killed herself in front of us. I had my eyes closed when Carson and Chris started talking. "Do you really want to die Carson?" CC had asked her and I opened my eyes to find her crying. She looked at him and said, "No, I don't dad. Does everyone hate me?" It broke my heart that she thinks we hate her. "Carson, baby, we don't hate you. We could never hate you." I said and the three of them looked at me. "Mommy, I'm sorry." She said and I walked over there. I hugged her and everyone came over. "You know Olevea saw you almost jump." I said. "She did?" She asked. I nodded and Willow handed Olevea to Carson. "I'm sorry you saw all of that Olevea. Your big sister loves you." Carson said and Olevea laid her head on Carson. 

Everyone aww'd. "Daniella Mora?" Someone asked. I turned to see a very tall freakish guy. "Um  yeah?" I said nervously. I grabbed onto CC's arms and he could tell I was scared. "Could you step into the hallway for a minute?" The guy asked. "What for?" I asked. "There's something out here for you." He said. "N-No. What ever it is, you can bring to me." I said scared shitless. "You really don't remember me do you?" He said. "Rememb-" I started saying and then I realized it was my Uncle John. "Uncle John?" I said and went over and hugged him. "I haven't seen you since the twins were 2 months old." I said and he chuckled and said, "Well I have a surprise for you." I walked out of the room and screamed.

*CC's POV*

When she started digging her nails into my arm, I knew she was scared shitless. She walked out of the room with her Uncle and then screamed. Andy, Mike, and I ran out there to see her hugging her dad. So that's what the surprise was. "Hello sir." I said and shook his hand. "How have you been?" He asked me. "We've been great until the incident with Carson last night." I said and his face dropped. "I remember when I had to rush her to the ER multiple times for blood loss." He said and then my face dropped. We never really talked about our childhood's together unless we were looking at pictures. I looked at Dani and she hid her face. "Well why don't you two come see Carson?" I suggested and they nodded and we went into the room.

*Carson's POV*

They came back in and my grandpa was standing there. I smiled and said, "Hi grandpa." He came over and kneeled next to me. "Hi baby doll. How you doing?" He asked me and held my hand. He stroked my hand as I said, "Could be better. I just put our family through hell. I feel like crap." "You'll get better in no time. Just rest and drink water." He said and kissed my forehead as he got up. "So which one of you is Tony?" My grandpa asked. Oh shit.

Can We Be Forever? Sequel to 16 and Pregnant ~Andy Biersack Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now