Oh My God, You Didn't!

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*Kali's POV*

On the way home I sat in between Tony and Jaime. I had my head in my lap most of the time. I would get up when we had stopped to see if we were home. We pulled into the driveway and we all went into the house. "So what's the surprise?" I asked and looked around. I noticed we had more movies. "Is the surprise more movies?" I asked and everyone chuckled. Tony extended his hand to me and I grabbed his and he led me upstairs and we stopped at my bedroom door. I looked at everyone and they waved their hands telling me to go in. I went in and my bed and all my stuff was gone and replaced with Harley's and Raven's. My jaw dropped and I turned around and they were videotaping me, "Where the hell did my stuff go!? Who touched my stuff?" I asked. 

Everyone started laughing? "Close your eyes." Tony said. "W-What why?" I asked and he said, "Just trust me." I closed my eyes and was picked up and I knew I was in Tony's arms. A few minutes later I was put down on really soft carpet. "Open your eyes."  Tony said and as I did we where in the basement and a big bed was in the middle of the back wall. There was a giant TV and bean bags. "What the hell?" I asked. "Do you like it?" Tony asked. I nodded and said, "I love it but why am I down here? That's not fair to Carson or Harley." "Because you two need alone time." My dad said and then Mike nodded and said, "And Vic, Jaime, and I needed a room. We were offered down here but we decided to give it to you two." My jaw dropped. "Are you sure? We can take H-" I began to say when everyone screamed, "YES!" I giggled and jumped on the bed. "What do you guys want for lunch?" My mom asked. "POOL PARTY!" Carson and I said together. 

"That was creepy as fuck."Uncle Andy said and we started laughing. "Okay, who do we invite?" My dad asked. "Motionless in White! Falling In Reverse!" Carson, Harley, Jessalynn and I screamed. "Okay! We are having a pool party!" Uncle Jake shouted and the girls and I screamed and jumped up and down. They shut the door and I grabbed my bikinis and said, "Babe will you help me choose?" I kissed him and he nodded. He played GTA V as I tried them on. I tried on all of them and he picked the Little Mermaid one I had. I put that one back on and then he changed into his so he let me play GTA. I was driving around and decided to start running over people because I didn't know what to do. I heard Tony started laughing at me. 

"Don't laugh at me!" I said as I was getting chased by the police. "Or what?" He said. I turned my head back and said, "Don't test me Perry." He started laughing again and I chased him upstairs. "Tony! I'm gonna kill you!" I screamed and everyone came to see what was going on. "Are you two fighting? Has hell frozen over?" Carson asked as they were all shocked. I finally jumped on his back and made him go down. "I told you to stop laughing at me! Don't make me hurt you!" I yelled and he started laughing again. I kissed him then got up. "What was that about?" Jaime asked. "He was laughing at me cause I don't know how to play GTA so I run over people." I said as the doorbell rang. "Ricky!" I screamed and opened the door and MIW walked through and I hugged all of them and showed them the door to the backyard. 

*Tony's POV*

Kali used to have a major crush on Ricky or at least that's what she said when we had to keep our relationship a secret. "Tony?" I heard someone say and I snapped out of my thought. "Babe?" I looked down to see Kali looking at me and everyone else was looking at me. "Sorry, what did you say?" I asked. She giggled and said, "I asked if you wanted to go to the store with me really quick." "Yeah, let me throw on a shirt first and shoes." I said and went down to our room and got those on and then went back up. We got into her car and drove to Walmart to get burgers, brats, marshmallows, hot dogs, and buns. 

*20 minutes later*

We got back to the house and we went inside and we heard Ronnie yelled, "Now who the fuck is that?" "Ronnie!" Kali yelled and gave him a hug. "Waaaaasuuup Tony!" He said and we hugged and then everyone went outside. Kali took off her shirt and shorts and then walked over by the pool to dip her foot in to check if it was cold. I ran up behind her and grabbed her and jumped in. She screamed on the way down. We resurfaced and she said, "I'm going to kill you Tony!" I started laughing and she dunked my head underwater. A bunch of people came and jumped in. "Marco Polo!" Carson said and we all started to play. Kali was kinda just staring over at her parents. They were fighting. "Babe, you okay?" I asked. She nodded and said, "I'll be back." She got out of the pool and went inside. 

Can We Be Forever? Sequel to 16 and Pregnant ~Andy Biersack Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now