Chapter 4, Finding The Maid, Part 2

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I stared at her in silence when she told me about her relationship with her father. I feel sorry for her. I was about to speak to her again, but she left the room before I could, so I just left it alone. I enter the daughter's room, look through her stuff but can't find anything, and go back to the office. I look through the desk's drawers until another journal falls from the shelf.' I didn't hit the frame, so how did that happen?' I asked myself as I walked over to it and picked it up from the floor.

I opened it and began to read the journal.

I hired a maid for the house so she could take care of it when we were on vacation. Her name is Zoey, and she is in her mid-20s; she does look amazing. Zoey is great with the kids and makes them smile more prominent than I've ever seen. I've done something good for our family. I feel great about it and hope I can make my wife happy. I remember how Zoey was so delighted that she got the made my heart skip a beat. I just hope she loves this place.

So far, Zoey's been treating the kids so well, and Chole doesn't like her because she will definitely take me away from her. Even though I've told Chole a lot, I love her, not Zoey. Of course, she doesn't believe always. She's cheated on me in the past before we married another guy named Ace Wooden. I was pissed when I told my mother about it, and she didn't believe me.

I wasn't in love with Chole.

Never was.

Like I've said before, it was a force married between our families, and it wasn't for love or us but for our bloodline.

I hold onto the journal and exit the office to meet up with Jess in the living room, and she looks at me. " I've found something about her and more about the family," I tell her. She walks over to me, and I hand her the journal.

She read it.

Then Jess looks at me " that's weird, and we need to learn more about their parent's history." I raised an eyebrow at her, " How? How can we do that?" she smiled. " We must go to the family history with the rest of the old flies. " I nodded, and we left home.

---------------- At The Library-------------------------——————

When we arrived at the library, Jess was going through the old flies until her phone buzzed, so she had to take care of that. I could hear the conversation between her and someone else; I needed to clarify who the voice was. She does sound mad, though, then she hangs up as I look at her with concern, " Who was that?" I softly asked. She lets out an annoyed sigh and mutters, " He does this all the time." I watch her lean against the wall and slide down with an irritated and angry expression on her face.

I go to her and sit down next to her. " Is it Jeffrey?" She nodded. " What happened?" I questioned as she sighed and leaned back, looking up at the ceiling. '' He balled on things when I needed him the most, and I thought I would've gotten used to it, but I am not." Jess paused for a moment. " I know he's busy with stuff that he doesn't tell just hurts so much." she continued.

" Do you think it could be another reason it hurts so much?" She shook her head and got up. " Let's force on the case and not talk about this." I got up, and we went back to the room. 

------------ Meanwhile, with Jeffrey and Norman--------------

" Jess, come on, don't be like that."

" You told me we were gonna do this together, and now you're back out. Why?"

" I can't tell you.."

" Why not?"

" Because...i...I just can't tell you."

" You know what! I am done. Dani and I can handle this case without you. Have fun at clubs."

" Jess-" Jeffrey threw his phone down on the floor and growled. " She hangs up?" Norman asked as he nodded, went to the fridge, and grabbed a beer. " Shut up," Jeffrey tells him and goes to his room. Norman decides to call Dani. He got her phone number when she got the job, so he has her phone number.

It rings few minutes then she picks it up.

"Hey princess, I need to know how you and Jess doing okay?"

" Hey, don't call me that. Hate it also. We're doing good."

" I can call you whatever the fuck I want, babydoll."

" Stop it, or I am hanging up."

" Fine, I'm sorry. "

" Good, now Jess is pissed off at Jeffrey."

" No kidding. But I want to know how are you doing?"

" I am doing okay."

" Just okay...?"

" I am fine, Norman. Don't worry about it."

" Well, I am gonna worry about it."

" Why?'

" Because I care about you."

Dani stayed silent as she became speechless about this. Norman could tell that shocked her, so he continued, " I cared about you when you told me about your childhood on the first day you arrived at the job. I want to keep you safe from anything that could hurt or rip your heart out of your chest, stomp on it without a care. I don't want you to suffer anymore...let someone else do anything worse to you." He took a deep breath and couldn't believe that he was telling her this.

Norman hasn't cared about a person in a while, so he is scared of this new level of caring for a person he hardly talks to at work or even hangs out with. He rubs the back of his neck and holds the phone to his ear, and he speaks again through the phone.

Without thinking of his following words to Dani, he speaks softly with so much care behind the comments and means it with all of his heart.

" You're the only person I care so much in this goddamn world...I can't lose you..."

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