Chapter 22, Zoey The Maid, Part 1

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Zoey was in the apartment trying to find a job that paid well and needed one before the owner kicked her out of her. She is sitting in her living room with her laptop when she sees a job listing of a maid wanting for a wealthy family in the town. She filled out the job application, hit sent, and sighed out of relief. Luna, her black cat, walks over to her, meows as Zoey smiles, and then pets her head. Luna started to purr loudly, and Zoey's petted her even more as she rubbed herself around her body. " Let's get you something to eat. " Zoey tells her as she stops tickling her and gets up then. Luna follows her into the kitchen.

Luna jumps onto the counter, sits on their butt, and watches Zoey make the food for them. " I just filled out a job application today, and it does say that it will pay well for health care and other things. Hopefully, they accept me and maybe let me show them that I can do this." Luna meowed and tilted her head to the side, " I know you don't understand me, but you're my only friend right now. Because other people just use me, or I just push people away from me. " She continued as she leaned against the counter, letting Luna eat her food. Zoey's phone buzzed as she glanced down at it to see the notification to see it from indeed.

She grabbed her phone and went to the messages to check the news to see that she had gotten a text from the wife of the home. Zoey hits the replied button to the wife, and they text back and forth with each other. Then they set a date for her interview with Zoey. She lets out a squeal with a happy smile and jumps up and down while Luna looks confused. Luna meows and wags her tail while looking at her. " I got a job interview next month and can't wait for it." She says as she goes to her bedroom, and Luna follows her. She started to look for her outfit for next month's interview and then looked through her shoes in her closet. " There, that would be perfect for the interview day, and I can't believe this actually happening to me. My mother thought I could not find a job, but I did. " Luna meows and looks at her, and she soft smiles. Zoey set her outfit on the chair and marked the date as August 1, so she had Time to prepare for this and calm them down.

She decides to clean her apartment and smiles while listening to her favorite music. Luna watches her from the cat tower and doesn't understand what's happening. Zoey hummed and sang the words of the songs when she knew their songs and felt all the happiness through their body. She has this big smile on her face.

------------ Time Skippped, August 1 ----------------------------

Zoey woke up around 7: 30 am in the morning, and she took a shower; then she did her morning routine. She smiled at herself in the mirror, exited the bathroom, and hummed. Zoey grabbed her bag, keys, and wallet, then said goodbye to Luna as Zoey left her apartment. Zoey is nervous about this but knows that she can do it because she can feel it in her bones. Zoey is wearing a white t-shirt with a black shirt, black jeans, and high heels.

When she arrived at the big home, she was surprised and looked at this. Zoey parked her car, walked up to the door, and then knocked on the door with a smile when she saw a man around her age answer the door, " Hello, you must be Zoey?" He asked as she nodded " Yes, that's me." he smiled back, let her inside the home, and closed the door behind them. " I am Billy, and Rose and Ryan, the children." She nodded and listened to him, " And that's my wife, Chole." he walked over to her and kissed her cheek as she smiled at her.

" Zoey, I am gonna show you around the place and ask you some questions, too," Chole tells me as she nods and follows her around the home. " So, how old are you?" I walk beside her " 25." She answered her. Chole nodded and showed her around the home, the downstairs, then upstairs. "My mother gave me this home when Ryan was born and thought he was a girl, not a boy." She randomly tells me as she stares at her, shocked by that. " She likes girls more than boys, but she doesn't want girls to become hoes. " She added.

Zoey POV

Why the fuck is she telling me about that? I just met her today and the rest of her family too. I looked at her before she spoke again, " My mother has always kept things away from me, but I knew because she looked at me disappointedly. She didn't have to explain why she looked at me that way, but I didn't want to see the truth, so I just let it slide, and hopefully, I don't want that to happen to my kids." She continued. I let her continue venting to me about this as I looked at her, smiled, and then listened to her.

After a few hours of her venting to me about stuff, she swears that I won't tell nobody about it, and I swear. Was that a mistake? I hope not. Chole apologized, but I told her not to worry about it, and she smiled. " I think you and me gonna be friends with each other." She said as I nodded in agreement with her. " I hope so. " I said back as she led me back to the front door. We said our goodbyes and I left with a smile at my new job.


It's been a few months since I've been working with the family, and it's gonna be great, and loving it! Until Chole called me into her office, she had a frown looked and gave her concern. Since I've been working here, she and I have grown close over the months. I sat down in the chair across from her, " I have a new task for you to do for me. " Chole tells me, turning into a serious tone now. " What is the task about?" I asked as she leaned back in the chair, crossed her legs, and looked me in the eyes. " The task is about my husband. " I become speechless by this as she waits for me to recollect my thoughts about this. I have so many questions about this and why she has a task on her husband? Did he do something about it?

" Why him?" Chole sighed and took a newspaper from underneath her desk, setting it on the desk in front of us. " Because of this article. " She tells me as I move down towards the paper and begin reading it.

Billy At NghtClub Last Night!

He showed up with his group of friends when he left the nightclub with three girls last night. Billy is married and has kids, so why did he bring three girls with him to a hotel room with him? How drunk was he? Will Billy continue? We interviewed one of his friends about this: "He is a womanizer. So he will never stop, even though this will kill him!" he laughed. Then we found an old" ex-girlfriend " in school, and she commented, " I feel sorry for his wife and kids. I bet his wife is upset or probably pissed off by this because if I was her, I would be. " She tells us.

" What would you think his wife is doing right now?"

" I hope she is burning all of his things."

" Why is that?"

" Because he is a cheater and a womanizer, no good for nothing. Needs to learn a lesson."

" Is that a threatened...?"

" Not to the wife, but to him. "

" Oh. "

" Yeah, Because he will never stop until something has happened to him, and then maybe he will learn his lesson, but a lady could dream about that."

" Oh, okay. Thank you for your Time."

" You're welcome."

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