Chapter 6, Finding The Maid, Final.

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When Jess and Dani got to their hotel in New York and got dressed. Jess drove to the house; when they got there to see the door open, " Stay in the car.'' She tells her sternly, and Dani nods. Jess got out and became more stealthy, sneaking towards the door; then she found a bat on the ground, grabbed it, and had a tight grip on it. She is alert with the home and does a clean sweep before she tells Dani that it is safe.

Jess checks every room and sees a lot of fortune on the floor with broken glass and blood drops on the carpet. ' It's like someone, and she fought before we even got here. Who would do this?' she asked herself. Jess sent a text to Dani telling her that is safe for her to come in.

" What happened?" Dani enters the room and looks at her, " Someone must've broken in here and fought with her." Jess shared with her. " Why her?" Jess thought and looked at her, " This is a theory, but I think she is the woman that Billy had an affair with. " Dani looked at her, stunned. " What do you mean? You are guessing that Billy had an affair with Zoey twice!?" Jess nods, " Have you seen how he writes about her and how his marriage with Chole wasn't all great. These two had a forbidden love with each other." Dani looks at her then she looks around the place.

" They were in love, but they couldn't be together because Billy was married to Chole. " Jess nodded and looked at her, " Yes, we gotta look for more clues of what happened here, so you go to the hallway while I stay here and look around. " Dani nodded and went to the hallway.

Dani POV

Who could've gone after her and wasn't because of her and Billy being loved? Did Chole send someone after her? I have many questions about this case and hope she is okay. I enter her bedroom and see a desk with a journal on an open page. I walked over to the desk and looked down at the page to read it.

It wasn't meant to end like this, and it was supposed to complete us living happily ever, but it was all a lie. Billy lied to me when he told me he would leave Chole and won't keep our love secret...he betrayed me twice, and I've fallen for it without even thinking about it. I don't like how he's been treating me and then sending me away to New York, and now I am hoping someone will hurt him as he did to me. No woman should ever date this man because he's a bad seed and isn't faithful or tells you lies so he can get you in the bed sheets. It's only for his pleasure, not mine.

Billy sent me away to New York so nobody would find out about us, and I was hoping they would because he deserved it. He wants someone he can use and makes his play toy like I was. Never once did I want to hurt Chole's heart or her trust. Billy made me think he loved me, but I was foolish enough to fall for it, and I didn't want to ruin the friendship between Chole and me.

Chole and I met each other in college and surprising that we're roommates. Nobody else knows this, but there was an accident at the college, and she promised me not to tell a soul, but I have to do something. I wrote it in this journal before they found me, knowing she would find out I spilled the beans. Here it goes, she had murdered a student for flirting with a guy she's a crush on and warned the girl. 

The girl didn't listen to Chole's warning, so she had to do it, and I tried to save the girl, but I was too late. Chole didn't have any emotions behind her eyes and said she would only do this if nobody would listen. She wants to make the world bow to her and will do anything to make it accurate.

Chole isn't the one to back down from a fight and have her own empire to rule over. If you play with fire, she plays with fire too, and she has some people she doesn't tell Billy about. I know their secrets and am willing to take them to my grave or tell everyone the truth about that family. She made me swear to my grave, so I did. I knew something would happen to me, and anyone else would try to solve this case or more of them in the future.

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