chapter fifty nine

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y / n

Yesterday's scene kept replaying in my mind as I get myself ready for tonight's dinner. He hugged me tightly for a good 10 minutes and he kept on going after when we went to sleep. I didn't want to ask what was going in his mind. He'll probably tell me when he wants to. Or maybe it's work related, then I won't undestand a thing he'll say.

As I went out of the room, I see Jungkook coming out of his office room. He gives me a small smile, placing his hand on my hip before giving me a peck on my cheek.

"Beautiful as always," He says as we go down the stairs.

"Handsome as always," I reply back. I didn't want to be the only one receiving compliments. He thanks me with a chuckle before we enter the car, with Jisung sitting there and texting on his phone. He looks up quickly before, putting away his phone.

I eyed him suspiciously, but I didn't really minded. We were only four in the car, including the driver who already started to drive. I started fidgeting my fingers, looking out the window, not knowing what to say or what to do in this drive. When I turn my head to look at them, both of them were on their phone, one who's smiling while texting and the other frowning, scrolling down his phone.

Welp, I guess I'll text Chungha. It's been a while since we texted or called. I should invite her over one day, I know that Jungkook won't mind that, he already knows her.

: Y/n
Hey, how are you?

Sending the message, I patiently wait for her response. I don't know if this is the right way to approach her, but we all have to start with something.

Chungha :
Heyyy, I'm good! How about you?? It's been a while since we texted, I missed you :(

: Y/n
I missed you too, we should hang out next week. How about, friday night? You're usually free that day.

Chungha :
Noted! I'll send you the place where we'll meet. See you soon!

: Y/n
See you next week.

I close my phone and put it in my bag. Staring at the exterior, I can't help myself of thinking about meeting her. It's been so long and we probably have so many things to say, especially her. The car stopped, the driver kindly opened the door for me as Jungkook came into my view, taking my hand and wrapping it around his arm.

We walked towards this beautiful mansion, it would be better if it was daylight. The door opened, revealing the mother of Jungkook. I was quite surprised that it wasn't a maid or maybe a butler.

She welcomes us in with a sweet smile. As soon as I entered, her arms touched my shoulders, getting my jacket and giving it to the middle aged lady that was beside her. She took all three jackets before leaving.

"The food is almost done, meanwhile you guys can show the house around for Y/n. I know she would appreciate it," She says, placing a hand on my back without giving me any discomfort.

I nod with a smile, "Yes, I'd like that."

She walks away as I began walking where Jungkook takes me. Jisung went away, saying he received a call. So it was me and him alone again.

Stopping on my tracks, I see a photo frame of Jungkook when he graduated with his mother and his father. He wasn't smiling, he was just staring at the camera, his eyes were blank. Then when I moved on the next frame, it was him with a child, most likely to be Jisung.

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