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Do accept the rose of love,
Keep it close to your heart,
But only when you can survive it's
poisonous thorns.


Author's pov

A girl all curled up, sat affixed to the stinky blood-stained wall of the now-seeming cage which used to be her husband's room. How badly she craved the wall behind to swallow her whole existence. She heaved her face from her bruised knees, which were abused when a monster swept her across the floor, dragging her back to the room when she tried to elude.

A boisterous sob escaped from her parched mouth witnessing a cuff latched to her ankle. She didn't remember being cuffed before. The only freedom she had to walk around the room was snatched away by her act of escape. She clenched the cold metal striving to pull it out, but the metal remained settled on her numb legs as same like her husband, who just caught her back and pushed her into this dingy room again. The same thing he did every time she pulled such acts, but this time the outcome came with a new gift of anklets which instead of adorning displayed her helplessness. She let out a cry of grief and frustration watching how vulnerable she was. Returning to her curled-up position, she stared blankly at her cuffed legs.

She forfeited the hope of escaping a long ago. Who wouldn't? After dwelling in this hell for almost thirty days, only a mere amount of food was given, capable enough to only let her breathe in his cruel territory. And the most awful thing, listening to children cry and plead with the monster, to let them go, who somehow figured out the incentive for being kept captive.

She sauntered her amber-coloured eyes, filled with dismay all over the room only to fix her gaze on the glass shards dispersed on the floor beside the bed, with black fluid stains shrouding them which was once a beautiful half-moon with an erratic outline but still, it looked alluring, like a fine piece of glass art.

She chuckled bitterly realising how definitive the gift he gave was. Poor her to think how weird her man was when she saw a half-moon that too, which seems crude, while she was expecting some jewel or sweet words carved cards. But who knew the gift was something exemplifying her life? Beautiful yet incomplete glass piece from the outside and a murky liquid from the inside, in a hidden way. Everything was hidden from her.

She remembered their first meeting while she was landing some utterly painful punches in the face of the pervert jerk who was trying to harass her, just because she tried asking him for help to reach her rented place at night. It was her first time in this remote area called Yangding. She was a resident of one of the well-developed cities of Daegu, but she was here to visit this remote area only for her work which needed a couple of months to get complete.

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