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Opposites, attract.
But the varied thoughts keep
wavering the bond.


Elle's pov

I closed the door of the bathroom behind me and walked to the nightstand. I drew one of its racks and searched for my painkiller. I scrunched my eyes closed feeling wobbly in my head, it's stinging as if someone hit my head with a rod. How is it possible?

I shoved the thoughts away when I finally found the pills. I gulped them down with a glass of water. I massaged my forehead, praying for the pain to go away soon.

I grabbed my phone to check up on Taehyung. Because If he isn't with me after all that drama happened then I'm sure he's not home yet. I'm still mad at him but scared that his aggressive behaviour will only get him into more trouble.

The ring of his phone resonated from the other side of the bed...what? Is he back home? Maybe in the kitchen preparing food for us. I took my steps to the closed door and clinched the door knob.


I jumped in my place listening to Taehyung's roar. Why is he screaming?

I hurriedly twisted the doorknob, but it didn't open. I twisted it again, but to no avail.

"Seung, are you listening to me!" I heard Taehyung's desperate voice.

Sueng? Who is it?

My breath was knocked out of my body listening to some loud cries. The headache from earlier didn't help either causing me to whimper and clutch my head. I heard Taehyung yelling again but I couldn't hear it clearly due to the exaggerated pain hitting my head.

What's happening there? Is Taehyung beating someone again?

"Taehyung," I called out loudly while banging at the door.

Suddenly everything was hushed, no noises. The stillness over the door made me more scared. What if that mad-headed villagers followed us, and barged in?

I gasped loudly, maybe that's why Taehyung locked me in and is facing them alone. My hands shook at the mere thought of something bad happening to him.

"Taehyung, what are those noises? Open the door. I'm scared." I struck the door, harshly.

Every minute the silence deepened more, increasing my anxiety.

But before I could voice out again, I heard footsteps approaching.

What if it is not Taehyung and someone else?

The mere thought made me gulp. I hurriedly grabbed the metal candle stand placed on the ledge near the door and clutched it tight. Ready to smash the person's head if it is not Taehyung.

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