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Fear and courage
have a thin wall of separation.
The inner voice acts as a door.


Elle's pov

"Come out you wizard's wife!"

"We will kill you and that monster before you harm our worshipped monks."

"Come out, witch!"

I shuddered with both the aggravating howls of people outside the hut I'm hiding from and my draped figure due to thunderous rain. I looked at the cracked screen of my phone which got damaged due to my heavy fall while escaping the mob.

"In the name of humanity, we will kill you."

"We want peace for our village, not witches like you."

Breathing heavily, I leaned over the wall of the fitful hut. I tried switching it on but to no avail.

This hut has no promising signs of keeping me safe from over fifty bloodthirsty crowds outside- ready to tear me into shreds, but I'm left with no option rather than hiding under this thatch roof with wooden walls having ugly holes spread like designs on them.

I can't anymore, my legs are surging with penetrating pain but I have to escape. I can't even imagine the outcome of falling into their hands. I hope Taehyung is fine, at least.

The ruptured backside walls have a window, though higher I must try reaching it and escape. I detached myself from the wall I was sticking to and turned around to examine the gaps in the damaged hut. If I crawl I can reach out to the other side without anyone watching me. Taking a deep breath to calm my thumping heart, I placed my palms on the surface and started crawling slowly.


I gasped loudly and pushed myself back reflexively when a stone landed just two steps from me, if I was five seconds earlier to crawl then it would have hammered my head. Another rock fell and I screamed pushing myself more to the wall behind me and it continued, the dirt-filled surface in front of me was now hidden by wrist-hold size stones. These people are crazy! They will kill me if I stay here.

"This witch won't come out this way."

"Yes, she is unharmed inside due to her magic."

No wonder these cowards didn't dare to enter in. They fear that I do black magic as that dead Oculto and will kill them.

"Let's burn her!"

"Yes! Even if she does black magic on us, we won't step back. Our village is above our life. Kill her!"

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