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Upgraded phase of truth:
It has mastered hide and seek
And betrayed the decent.


Author's pov

Taehyung felt breathless but had no intention to stop his feet from the furious run he took from the very first step down of his car to the main door.

Elle's no reply after reading the message irked his suspicion more and instead of knocking on the door, he shoved the keys into the door lock.

"Shit!" He slammed the door out of frustration. The village still had complicated vintage-designed security tools and locks making it difficult to access.

After an irritated shuffling of the keys, the door opened with a clicking sound, only to be slammed to the wall inside the house. Taehyung hurried his steps inside and looked at the living area.

It looked calm, but Taehyung dreaded the stilled air, not when he knew Elle would be awake and panicking over the truth of the existence of her toxic lover. Taehyung had planned all the revelations, yet things slipped through his fingers earlier than he expected, letting him no other way than exposing the truth, that too in a very staking situation.

He had no time to gulp a lump of fear thinking of the possibilities, so instead, his feet sprinted towards the stairs. But before he could step further, his eyes caught a glimpse of a woman cocooned on the couch. His previous stance from the main door lacked the vision of the locales of the couch.

"Elle," Taehyung blurted, reaching the now awake beauty as the loud noise startled her sleep.

She sat back, watching her husband rushing to her. Upon reaching, he clenched her both shoulders and his eyes wandered to every corner of her body. The long resigned long breaths came into existence again as Taehyung inhaled in relief watching his wife safe and sound.

"What happened?" Taehyung narrowed his eyes at the utterly unpredicted question.

'By now she must have thrown a punch in my face or at least nagged me for not having her know about the exposure before. Didn't she read my message by now? But it showed that she read it.'

Taehyung thought, his eyes wandering over her face, but he found no twitch of emotion.

"What are you looking at?" Elle's cold tone made him sigh and get on his knees. He tried touching her thighs, but she was quick enough to yank his hands and look away.

"At this point, I'm not even surprised, Taehyung. So don't bother explaining." Taehyung understood the dept of her words and nodded a few times knowing it will take him a million efforts to justify his reasons for keeping things disclosed.

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