13~ Play with Me

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"Give it back!" "Nope! Catch me and maybe you'll get it." I stopped mid-run to catch my breath. And he's the one who can barely run. To be fair, we've been at this for an hour at best and his house is no joke. When I was ready to run again, he was nowhere to be seen. "Jimin?" I called out. I called his name a few more times before getting seriously worried.

"Park Jimin, this isn't funny anymore!" I began heading upstairs, looking for him. I walked into his open room door and looked around. I was gonna turn back around and go looking for him when I felt a pair of strong arms slither around my waist. My (nonexistent) muscles softened immediately. "Jimin, that wasn't funny." He leaned his head down to my shoulder and kissed it. "Oh come on, you were worried for me~ Admit it." I scoffed at his words. I was worried for him but why would I tell him that? "Because you love me." "Damnit. I hate this stupid habit of mine." I could feel his lips travel up my neck as he pressed soft kisses along it. "Well, I think it's cute. I think you're cute." I blushed at his words. He turned me around abruptly and rest his hands on my waist once again. I pinned mine around his neck, interlocking my fingers together. He chuckled at my sudden boldness. "Is this an invitation, Ms. Kim?" "Oh, don't be so silly." "You're the one who insisted on wearing my boxers and hoodie. Oh, and you just made a move on me." I rolled my eyes. "Did I now, Mr. Park? I don't recall doing that at all." My hands made their way down to his chest. I could feel all his muscles stiffen. "Don't start something you can't finish." "Oh, but I'm sure I can." He smirks at my words and leans in to kiss me. Then we hear the obnoxious ringing of a phone. He groans frustratedly and kisses my forehead. "I'll be back, could be work." He winks at me before grabbing his phone and walking out of the room. I sigh heavily.

Oh yeah, you might be confused as to why we're acting so lovey-dovey. Well, after I got out of the hospital, Jieun told me that Jimin had something special planned for me at my favorite place in the whole world. The Han River. When I arrived, it was a picnic. It was late at night and he brought candles and shaped them all around us into a heart. He had me stand up and told me he liked me. I liked him so we may or may not have shared a kiss or two. And maybe more than just kisses. But the point is, we're not official but, we are something. He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend and I'm too shy to. That is if you forget what happened before he went to talk. I've never been in more than that one high school fling with a kid named Jung Hoseok. He was that one guy at all high school parties that gave you that 'Let's get freaky' look from across the room. And we did. Unfortunately, he got a girlfriend. So the messing around had to stop. But why are we rambling about past guys? Back to the present, I watched Jimin as he walked back into the room with a sly smirk on his face. "Who called?" "Taehyung." "What'd he say?" "That my whole weekend is empty. I have absolutely nothing but 1 thing to do." "And what's that?" He moved closer to me, grabbing my waist in his big hands. He made sure his mouth was level with my ear and whispered, "Make you feel good"

2 hours later~

I woke up to the sound of the smoke alarm going off. My immediate thought was 'where's Jimin' because this could've been a real fire. Without realizing it, I ran downstairs in a freaking skimpy bathrobe-Yes, I said bathrobe- and into the kitchen. When I got in there, I could see I coughing Jimin and a steaming pan. I told him to get a rag and start waving so that the air would clear out. He did so and when the air was finally clear, I went over to him. "What the hell!? What were you cooking?" "Oh you know, the usual." I arched my brow. "We don't have a 'usual'. What are you playing at? Death by fire?" He chuckled at that last part." "Well, what are you playing at?" I arched my brow once more. "Whatever are you talking about?" "What you've decided to put on to help me. You've honestly just made it worse for yourself." I look down and see what robe I grabbed. I mentally facepalm. "Look, I know I said I would probably never, ever wear this but, I didn't even know what I grabbed!" I said in a rush. He smirks at my words and gets closer while I back up.

Eventually, he got me against a counter. He kissed me roughly and I did the same. Our tongues fought for dominance but of course, he won. His lips traveled to my neck and I let out little whimpers and moans of pleasure. He got lower to my collarbone and began kissing, sucking, and biting on that area, too. He then dragged his hands up my body, stopping them at the rope of the robe. I stared at him with heavy eyes. "Jimin," I breathed out. "There is a whole room upstairs where you can-" "But I wanna love you right here so I can remember it every time I step into this kitchen," He said with hooded, lust-filled eyes. He leaned down to kiss me. I didn't pull back. He kissed me rough and hard, and I gave just as much power.

I moved my hands into his hair, pulling and tugging slightly. Jimin groaned into my mouth. He broke the kiss, leaving us both heaving. He took off his shirt and I drooled over his perfectly toned body. He ignored my antics and pulled me close once again and bit my lip, making me moan. This gave him access to explore every inch of my mouth. I moaned into the kiss, as I do every time and he began leading us upstairs.

"Before you do that, could you at least let me know that Bleach is accessible in this household" I and Jimin ripped apart so fast, I almost hit the floor. We turned around to be met with all of the boys' knowing grins but more specifically, Namjoons face of disgust. "Jimin, you told us we'd be able to come over and watch movies. Not you and Jisun having sex." My face flushed and I excused myself. I ran upstairs and made myself look presentable. As I walked down the stairs, I could hear all the men gawking at how toned Jimin was becoming. I snorted at their stupidity. When I got downstairs, everyone got excited.

"Let's get this party started!"

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