23~ Plan with Me

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We all turn around in shock, how did he get in here???

"Jackson Wang!? What the hell, dude! Knock before you come into a house!" "Sorry man, was looking for an air bnb. Guess it was the house on the right..." "Anyways, I can help. I heard you guys lost my boss and his soon to be wife, if not already married."

"What could you do? The only thing you boast about if fucking a pretty girl, what more can you offer other than sexually transmitted diseases?" Jackson rolled his eyes, wrapping an arm around me. "First off, I get into guys pants too," He said, raising his eyebrows at me. I just started at him and he continued with a slight tint to his face, feeling embarrassed. "Second, did you honestly forget I work in the digital section of Park's Luxury's?? I can hack, idiot."

My eyes widened and i soon found myself hugging the life out of him. "OH THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME! CAN YOU DO IT NOW???" I felt a hand collide with the back of my head. Turned furiously as I thought it was Jungkook but turns out, it was Yoongi. Yoongi stared at me, getting into a fighting position.

"I'm from Daegu, let's go bitch."

"I-no thank you, sir. Now Jackson, get your ass in their room and get on Jimin's laptop. Do not sit on that bed, you know how Jimin is." "Roger that, sir. I'll be in there awhile so company would be nice..?" "No" we all said in unison. Jackson's head dropped and he went to their room, looking back at us with fake puppy eyes.

"Plea-" "No one's going in there you horny fuck. You'll have anyone on their knees to suck you off while you work, you manwhore. Now shoo shoo, go work." "Fuck, alright I guess." I smiled triumphantly and looked around, counting heads. And it hit me.

where's Taehyung?

Your Pov~

I screamed out as Jimin started thrashing violently at the letters being engraved in his skin. I was screaming to let him go, to stop all of it.

"Shut up, woman. Or you'll have something much, much worse. Don't make me hurt your friend, too." I looked over at the unconscious, tied up and gagged Taehyung. How had he found us? And most importantly, why did he come for us?

"Please, please stop hurting him! I'll tell you anything you want to know, just please stop!" My former boss looked at the torturer of my love and signaled him to stop. "Go on, tell us what we want to know." I breathed slightly and looked him dead in the eye. "It's true, I don't know where my father is. Fuck, I haven't spoken to him for months because of you guys."

"But one thing I do know is, you need to tell me how this even started. What had my father done to make you hate me and him so bad? Please, give me an answer!" I yelled. The man looked at me and smirked, grabbing a chair and dragging it in front of mine. He sat on the chair backwards, still smirking creepily.

"Your father, stole from me."

My eyes widened.

No, he would never.

"Are you sure it was my father?" "We wouldn't have kidnapped you if we weren't a hundred percent sure. Kim Beom-Soo is a thief."

"And I'll make sure to leave nothing out."

Namjoons pov~

It had been a shock to notice Taehyung was gone, missing from the house entirely.

"Did any of you see where he was last? Anybody!?" "He was next to me last. I'm sure I saw him walk in the house with us, he even closed the door!" I kept pacing, asking Jungkook more questions. "A-And you're sure no one came in? Goddamnit, Jungkook!" Jungkook started looking guilty as I stared at him in anger. Suddenly, Yoongi pinched the shit outta my arm and I yelped back in pain.

"What the hell, dude!?" "Don't yell at him. This isn't his fault and you know that. Go apologize now." "But he-" "Go fucking apologize to him." I lowered my head and nodded, feeling guilty already.

I walked into the spare bedroom, watching as Jungkook's eyes welled up with tears. "Hey, kid." His head whipped around and he was glaring at me with tears streaming down his face. "Look, I know I lashed out on you back there. And I'm sorry. It's just-" "Just what, hmm? Taehyung and Jimin were my best friends. And now they're both gone. But you think it was the perfect time to lash out on me?"

I stood silently as the younger yelled at me.

"You're such an asshole! I care about them and of course I assumed Taehyung was with us! Fuck, we stood side by side until we got in the house, why wouldn't I assume he was safe in here?" Jungkook kept going on, yelling at me like there was no tomorrow.

"Do not blame this on me. I am just as scared as you are. So don't fucking pin it on me!" Jungkook finished, staring at me with hot tears streaming down his face. I felt really bad at this point, how had I lashed out on him like that?

"Jungkook, I know a sorry will never be enough, never. But what I do know is, I care for them just as much as you do. And I'd never blame you for anything harmful surrounding them in the right state of mind. I was just...I was scared. Scared I might lose my other brothers. And I would hate for it to be at such young ages, too.

"I couldn't let anything happen to any of you, ever. So i panicked and started blaming you even though in the back of my mind, I knew you wouldn't let yourself blink in a situation like this. I'm sorry." Jungkook stared at me less hostile, seeming understanding of my situation.

"I'm sorry too. I lashed out on you just as you did me. And we both know we care very much." Jungkook smiled as did I, and we walked out the room in content with one another.

"I'm in"

"in what? some puss-"

"No you asshole." Jackson slapped Jungkook's forehead. "I'm in the kidnappers cams. And it seems like Taehyungs knocked out and Jimins most definitely bleeding." Everyone's eyes widened, looking around at each other.

"Where is he bleeding!?" "Arms, face. Pretty sure his got punched a few times." "We gotta hurry and find them before they're dead!" "But wait...why is Jisun fine?" I looked at Jungkook and then everyone else. We all looked closer to see Jisun sitting in a chair tied up and a big man sitting opposite of her, talking calmly. But Jisun looked horrified.

"He's telling her something. Something she doesn't wanna hear or believe." Jungkook said, looking at us. "We need to help her and them. And fast."

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