26~ Epilogue One

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"Shhhhhhhh sHut tHe fUcK uP!" Jimin seethed at his friends.

It's been 2 years since all that drama happened and since you and Jimin have been dating. But last month you had to go to Busan to do a car photoshoot with one of Jimin's and your model.

And during that time, Jimin decided to go ring shopping.

He bought a simple looking diamond one since he knew that would make you happiest rather than some big squared one, which you had openly said was disgusting.

He bought a simple looking diamond one since he knew that would make you happiest rather than some big squared one, which you had openly said was disgusting

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When Jimin heard you walk through the door, he came from out the upstairs hallway and walked down the candle lit stairs, almost slipping on a rose petal.

"What's the special occasion?" "You, my love." Jimin responded, taking your hand and placing a gentle kiss on the back of it. "Is this why you told me to dress in red?" "Precisely, hun. Anyway, to the dining area. We have servants today."

"Who have names-" "Servants to feed us spaghetti and meatballs." Jimin interrupted Jungkook, motioning for him to place their plates down.

"Pinot Noir please." Jimin said to Taehyung, who stood on standby for his time. "Jimin what's going on? Did you break my makeup brushes again?" Jimin laughed at the remembrance of you hitting him with Jin's RJ stuffy.

"If i wanted to die than I would've. But, no, hun, this is something completely unrelated to makeup at all." Jimin said, raising his glass for Taehyung as you did too.

"My love, it's been a crazy 2 years being together, no?" "Very." Jimin smiled and continued. "And you were the craziest of all, wHICH I LOVED!" Jimin shouted at seeing you take one of your earrings out, ready to beat his ass.

"But theres only one other way aside from sex and telling you I love you that I can show you that you mean everything to me.." Jimin said, getting out of his seat and kneeling beside you.

"Cleaning my shoes...?" You said, completely confused on the situation. Jimin looked up slowly and gave you a look which told you to shut up, so you sat quiet and waited.

"Kim Jisun of Busan, South Korea, which also happens to be my birth place, will you marry me?" Jimin said, taking out a small box and opening it.

Your breath caught in your throat as you tried to make up the words to say 'yes'. You hastily grabbed your glass and chugged it all down, turning back to your lovely boyfriend. Or fiancé if you answered the damn question.

And then you choked on your own spit trying to answer.

"OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY!?" "yEs" "I DONT KNOW YOU LOOK-" "I MEANT YES TO YOUR PROPOSAL DUMB BITCH!" "OH...oh?..oh! OH!!" Jimin said in several different ways that you ignored. He stared at you with a smile and you stared at him with one, too.

"Of course I'll marry you." "Good because I would've died of shock" "Shut up" "Yes ma'am."

3 months later~

I felt a surge of nervousness consume me as I prepared to be walked down the aisle.

This was really happening. I was getting married.

"Girl put ya damn poker face on and let's goooo!" Jin snapped at me, making me giggle. "It's my first time being married, let alone have a boyfriend. Hobi doesn't count." "I still wonder how Jimin's totally alright with how you know Hoseok, inside and out~" I hit Jin with my bouquet of purple lilacs and he laughed.

"Okay, let's go." I nodded and smiled, walking out with Jin's arm circling my right arm. And then I saw him. Clad in black with his long dark hair slicked back with a big smile caressing his skillfully crafted skin.

 Clad in black with his long dark hair slicked back with a big smile caressing his skillfully crafted skin

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Oh man, was I in love.

I walked closer and closer to the alter, halting when I was finally in front of my love. "So pretty. You chose the dress?" I merely smiled and nodded towards Yoongi who's ears reddened at being found out.

"Damn Yoongi, you got taste!" "Yeah that's what watching 15 episodes of people DIY-ing dresses does."

"I made that."

Jimin looked back at me and smiled harder. "Thanks Hyung." "Shut up and do your damn vows." Jimin snickered as did I until the priest interrupted. "I'd like to go home, hurry the fuck up." "Alright damn"

And so we did our vows, as slow and antagonizing as they are in the movies. And when we heard "You may now kiss the bride" My heart skyrocketed. Jimin smiled and leaned in, pressing a soft kiss on my lips. The guests started clapping and whooping for us.

We pulled away and smiled at each other again.

"You wanna know where we're going for our honeymoon?" I raised my eyebrows suggestively. "Paradise in bed?" "Something like that. But not quite." "Ohh so it's a surprise?" "Unless you guess it." "I see. We'll continue this guessing after the party." "Understood"

Walking towards the gate for your flight...

"Peru? Uganda? EGYPT???"

"No, no, and no."

"WHERE ARE WE GOING!?" "You'll see. It's cliché but you said you wanted to try their hot chocolate." I thought for a moment before I made the realization.

"We're going to Paris?" "Yes my love but do not-" "WE'RE GOING TO PARIS WHOO HOO!!!!" "Jisun...I have a migraine." And with that I quieted down immediately. "Sorry." "While we wait to get to Paris," Jimin said, sitting in his seat. "I'd like to start foreplay now, getcha ready."

And with that, he started fingering you on the damn plane.

And later, he fucked you senseless<3

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