25~ Home with me

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"No, Jungkook. You're not sitting in the trunk." "But I can fit-" "SIT YOUR ASS DOWN!" Jin yelled, making Jungkook sit next to Tae silently.

"Thanks hun." Jin said sweetly, tapping Jungkook's cheek. Jungkook scoffed and Jin gave him a look, silencing him immediately.

"Everybody in? Ready to go shower? Stankin ass hoes, stankin up my car-" "Drive." "MY CAR, MY RULES BITCH. I'LL DRIVE WHEN I WANT TO DRIVE." Namjoon just looked at Jin unfazed, which caused Jin to put the car in drive. "I'll be driving now," He said, eyes on the road.

I looked over at the man next to me, oh how handsome he looked. "You'll burn a hole through my face with that stare, Jisun." "A hole of love." I said, earning a cheeky grin from him. "I love yo-"

"NOT IN MY CAR, DONT MAKE ME SWERVE THIS BITCH AND KILL US ALL." And with that me and Jimin clamped our mouths shut the whole way home.

1hr later~

"And you have no idea where your father is, right?" "None. He should be in one of those chamber things though." the officer nodded, walking out to his colleague. "Omg this is gonna be so fun!" "Omg yes queen it will be!" Everyone just stared at the cops in question, looking between the grown men.

"Leave us alone and go wait while we look for your father."

We all just hurriedly went to the living room, tripping over people and stepping on some too.


Jungkook was soon limping into the living room while Taehyung was laughing behind him. "shut up." "I swear I didn't mean to. But now you look goofy as fuck" Jungkook turned to Taehyung and Taehyung shut up.

When jungkook's slow ass finally got to the couch, the police came waltzing in like the house was theirs. "Bad bitch here um, your father was where you said he would be and he said he wanted to like converse with you so here he is," And the officer ran dramatically out the house while his coworker stayed.

"Ji-Ji-" "Don't call me that." I said to my dad and his face dropped immediately. I got up and walked over to him, looking at him with hatred. "Jisun I'm sorry, okay. I-I didn't mean for it to spiral outta control like this...please don't let them take me." "Pfft girl we was gonna take you regardless! You stole 1 million dollars😭" the officer said, laughing loudly.

"Uh anyways, you lied to me. And I know what lying to someone you care about can do." I say, looking back at Jimin. "But i'm your father!" "Yeah? And wot? Girrrrrrl you need jail time. I was tryna earn this money for us but you ruined it from the start, this is on you baby girl." I said, looking at him with disgust.

"You tel em girl!" "Stay outta this." "Yes ma'am."

"Anyways, I love you but I also hate you so i'm not bailing you out, your just gonna take your sentence.

"And if i'm not too busy fucking my boyfriend I might visit you. Might." My father just looked at me astonished, then bringing up a creepy smile. "You're my girl, you can't escape me forever!" Just then Jimin came up beside me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Actually she's my girl and girl, this sounds like a restraining order in the making the hell is wrong with you?"

"YOU DONT HAVE MY BLESSING YOU CANT DATE HER ANYMORE!" Jimin cackled, slapping his knee. "THATS A REAAAL KNEESLAPPER RIGHT THERE AHAHAH- yeah anyways i'm gonna continue to date and eventually marry her and then the cherry on top....put a damn baby in her." Jimin said, no trace of a smile lingering on him.

"Uhhh...yeah so you want a restraining order or what hun?" "Please. I never knew my dad was crazy and Jimin was this patronizing..." "I can me more than that, baby" I side eyed Jimin and he looked up at the ceiling. "Wow! How beautifully crafted this -err- ceiling is!?"

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