74. Mikey Way

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Welcome to the Black Parade

Black Parade Mikey!

"Mr. Y/L/N" the doctor said. "I'm sorry to tell you this but you're not going to make it"
"What? No, there must be a mistake!"
"I wish there was but no, you're going to die"
"No, please, can't you do something? Anything?"
"No, I'm sorry"

The doctor left the room and I was left on the hospital bed.
"Don't be scared" a voice said. "Death comes for all of us"
"Great, now I'm hearing voices" I sighed, covering my face with my hands. "I'm going insane"
"No, you're not" Someone touched my shoulder.
I saw the pale hand with a slight glow around it.
"You're as sane as I am"
I looked up at the person and he smiled softly.

"Who are you?" I asked.
"Brother to the leader of the Black Parade" he said. "The parade of the dead"
"Are you like an angel?"
"You could call me that"
"You look like an angel" I whispered.
He took my hand and sighed. "Thank you"

"You look very familiar"
His face saddened and he closed his eyes.
"Oh the last thing I see... you are never coming home, never coming home... could I... should I..?" He sang quietly.
"Mikey" I whispered. "I..."
"I'm okay now"
"Mikey I'm sorry"
"Y/N please, my death wasn't your fault"
"I just- I-" I broke down in tears and he squeezed my hand.
"Darling, I wasn't alive in the first place but I'm here now and I still love you"

He cupped my face and kissed me softly.
He wiped the tears off my cheeks and pressed his forehead against mine. "Darling I'm home"
"Please take me with you. I need to come with you"

He laid me down and kissed me, placing his hand on my chest.
I felt a slight breeze on my skin and opened my eyes.
"...To the Black Parade"

There was a big beautiful marching band behind us and I looked up at Mikey.
"Welcome home" he said.
I looked around and saw 3 other familiar faces.
"You all- you-" I stuttered.
"None of us were really alive" Gerard said.
"I... I cried for you! I watched as they buried you! I visited you every day! "4 graves next to each other, my best friends" ALL FOR YOU!"
My vision was blurred by my tears.
"Y/N-" Ray started.
I glared at the others. "I HATE YOU!! ALL OF YOU!! YOU LYING SONS OF-"

"Y/N STOP!!" Mikey yelled, hugging me tightly. "Y/N I'm sorry we didn't tell you, I'm sorry we hurt you, I'm so sorry darling"
I hit his chest but he didn't reach 1 bit to the angry hits.
I gave up and let myself cry against his chest.
He caressed my back and I sighed. "I-"
"Hate us, I understand"
"No, I love you but you hurt me"
"I know we did" Mikey sighed. "I'm so sorry but we had to keep you safe"
"I missed you all" I whispered. "I love you so much, I never stopped"

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