110. Frank Iero x2

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Leathermouth Frank (1)!
ProRev Frank (2)!  
(The confusion will clear soon, trust me)

So, I broke something and now there are 2 Frank Ieros in this world.
From different times! My world is living in the years of Leathermouth and the other Frank came from the ProRev years.
The even more confusing thing is that they both like me.
They fight over me.
I broke the universe and now I have 2 versions of the same man fighting over me.
How did I break the universe? I have no clue.

"Frank!" I yelled. 
"What?!" 2 voices came from the living room.
"Oh right" 
I walked into the living room and leaned against the door frame.
"Leathermouth Frank" 
"Yes?" He asked.
"Why him?" ProRev Frank whined. 
"Becuase I'm his favorite!"
"But I'm better!"

They both got up but Frank No. 1 ran to me. 
I blushed and pet his head softly. 
Frank No. 2 pulled him away from me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
This has been going on for days and I'm still not used to it.
They're almost always fighting over me. 
My face was completely red and I started fidgeting with my hoodie strings.
"Y/N baby" he whispered into my ear.
"I -" I stuttered. 
"Darling" Frank No. 1 took my hand.

The 2 of them started pushing each other and I sighed.
"Boys" I said, making them both stop in their tracks. "You know how to share, don't ya?"
"Yes Y/N" they said, letting go of each other.
"Very good" I took their hands softly and pulled them closer. "Now, no more fighting or I'll fall apart from the amount of attention and love I'm getting from you guys"
"Can we cuddle?" They both asked. 
"Yes boys, we can cuddle"
I took them to my bedroom and they tackled me into the bed.
I was now lying in bed, under the 2 Franks.     

This was weird but funny to write.

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