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Your day was filled with lots of random activities, but you didn't see Percy all day. Despite it being him who forced you out of bed in the first place.
When you came back to the cabin that evening, you spotted Percy laying on his bunk, staring at the ceiling.
When he saw you, he jumped up and grabbed your arm.
"Listen (y/n), it's important. You're not really my sister."
You laughed a little.
"Ha! That's funny. But if you don't mind, I'm going to go to sleep. Goodnight Percy."
"You laid down and tried to get some sleep, but Percy's words echoed through your head.
What if they were true? You thought. Eventually, the gentle lull of the ocean lapping against the beach put you to sleep.


You woke up and continued with your normal schedule. You and percy headed to the dining hall to get some breakfast.
After sacrificing some food to Poseidon, Percy leaned over again.
"(y/n), I was serious. Poseidon spoke to me. He said you weren't really his daughter."
This joke had gone on long enough.
"Percy, this is stupid. I understand that you want to get me back, but just give it a rest."
You could hear your volume getting a little louder.
"(y/n), I'm trying to--" he said louder, but you cut him off.
"Percy, enough is enough!" you yelled. The dining hall fell silent. You sat back down, blushing a bit.
"(y/n), Poseidon is not your father." He had a perfectly straight face. "He doesn't know who your father is, but he doesn't even think he's a god. That's the truth. you don't believe me? Fine."
He got up and left.
You felt kind of bad for acting the way you had. It was childish and rude. What you were more worried about though, was that everyone at camp had heard what Percy had said. Everyone probably thought you were something other than a demigod.
You returned to your food, but your stomach started to churn. The hall was still silent, and stayed silent until you left.


Just as you had suspected, nobody seemed to like you. It was as though you were segregated from most. Percy even spent less time with you. You had asked him questions like why you could still control water and stuff like that. Percy never truly answered. You were also sick of not knowing who your dad was. You would spend tons of time wondering who he could be.
One cold night in the middle of December, while everyone was inside, you decided to go sit by the ocean and let out all your pent up sadness. Any other place, and people would see you. You sat in the sand and gazed out at sea.
You knew the water was freezing, but that wouldn't affect you. Despite Poseidon apparently not being your dad.
You jumped in the water and swam to the bottom.
You had yourself a good cry. Everyone treated you like a contagious disease.
Your tears' only effect under water was little air bubbles streaming from your eyes.
You almost wished you could drown.
You swam around a bit longer before finally returning to the surface.
You popped your head above the water, and noticed someone else was on the sand bank.
You sank so only your eyes were showing and watched him. He was staring out at sea like you had been, mumbling something to himself. He looked up and you could tell that it was Leo. You moved a little farther down the shore and climbed out of the water. The moon was bright and you could see him clearly. He was drawing something in the sand. You decided to get a closer look.
You moved to a clump of bushes a few feet away from him and watched.
When he finished drawing, he put his stick down and looked towards your bush.
"I see you in there." he said simply.
"Uh, no you don't." You said, doing your best to disguise your voice.
He rolled his eyes and smiled a bit.
Again you insisted that you didn't exist, but you were standing on one leg and lost your balance. You fell down right across Leo's lap.
You got up as quickly as you could.
"Yeah so surprise! I am here!"
You gave two thumbs up and a fake smile.
"Whats wrong, (y/n)? I've hardly seen you for weeks!"
You sighed.
"I dunno. Apparently I'm not a demigod and people think I suck noodles."
He laughed a bit.
"Yeah well, that's okay. As long as you're not evil, I don't care what you are. You'll always be my friend."
You sniffled a bit and hugged him. You didn't know why you started avoiding him. You probably thought he'd be no better than the rest. Leo was a dependable friend and you were glad he decided to give you a tour.
You laid back on his lap and chatted for a while. The sun started to come up, and you decided to go back to your cabin.
Pulling an all-nighter wasn't a problem for you. Chiron never gave you any activities. Even he saw you as less than human. Er, less than half human.
You slept all day, and through most of the night.
You woke up at about two in the morning to someone knocking on your door.
You yawned and opened it. You didn't want to disturb Percy.
It was Leo.
"(y/n), help!" He whispered. "Nyssa told me that Hephaestus isn't my dad either. She may just be pulling my leg, but I think there's something fishy going on."
"Leo you're right. If anybody else claims they're not a child of their godly parent, I'm going to demand a quest." You replied.
Leo frowned.
"As soon as the words left Nyssa's lips, everyone backed away as though they were scared of me." He said quietly.
"Leo, if this isn't a joke, you'd better get used to it."

I hope that was a substantial amount of reading material. I met my 1000 word goal so...yeah. What do you guys think? theres definitely gonna be another kid, but I'm considering whether to make them a girl or a boy...
I really don't know. Suggestions? I guess I could do a girl since there was a boy in the last one. idk you guys comment and tell me. In the meantime, I love you valdezinators!

M'kay bai

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