3: The Sanctuary

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I slept restlessly through the night on the queen sized bed. Thankfully I had been alone. The last thing I needed was Negan in here while I mourned my friends and family. I hugged the spare pillow close to my body and pretended it was Daryl. Of course it wasn't the same as a person but it sufficed. I missed him deeply. Without him I felt incomplete, as if he were my missing puzzle piece. I will find us a way to escape, My mind kept repeating until a knock at the door startled me.

"You decent?" Dwight asked from outside.

"Yeah." I replied as I sat up in the bed and rubbed my tired eyes. I had fallen asleep in my clothes so I didn't have to worry about changing.

"Morning." Dwight entered and leaned against the door.

"Morning." I muttered.

"Sleep well?"

"What do you think?" I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him.

"Alright, spill it." Dwight released a frustrated sigh.

"Spill what?"

"Why do you hate me?"

"Must I tell you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"It would be nice to know so that we can find some common ground. It's not fun having no friends inside here."

I rested my head against the wall and exhaled, "For starters you captured my man and stole his items. Secondly, you work for Negan. Third, you captured my man again and hauled him off to god knows where!"

Dwight stared at the floor and nodded, "So, this is about Daryl?"

"Mostly. Yes." I mumbled.

"Just so you know, I never planned on hurting Daryl. We just needed to make sure he wouldn't snitch us out."

"Is that supposed to make me dislike you less?"

Dwight shook my head, "Do you always have to be so obstinate?"

"Depends on the occasion." I side eyed him.

Dwight rubbed the back of his neck and released another deep breath. I almost felt bad for him.

"I do have one question for you though." I bit the inside of my cheek.

"Alright. What's your question?"

"How close were you to my father?"

Dwights eyes widened in shock, "How do you.."

I cut him off, "Doesn't matter how I know. Just answer the question!"

Dwight rubbed his chin while eyeing the door cautiously, "I somewhat knew him. He was the previous leader after all."

I knew he was lying but let it slide as I figured he was only lying because we were being listened to.

Nodding my head I asked, "So, what actually brings you in here? Where's Negan?"

Dwight smirked, "Negan is attending to business. While he's away I figured you'd need a break from this room."

Thank god! I mentally cheered. I visibly brightened at his words. Four days of isolation in a room without much human contact was starting to make me go mad and the lack of activities gave me extreme cabin fever! Besides, I needed to start mapping this place out.

Dwight seemed to catch on to me as he quickly added, "No funny business! Any little trick or escape plan you have worked up in your brain is not going to work! You hear me?"

"I just need a change of scenery. Anywhere is better than this room." I smirked.

"Good. Get yourself ready and I'll give you a bit of a tour. Ten minutes give you enough time?"

Daryl's Precious Gem: Iridescent (Daryl Dixon/ Negan Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now