19: Hide

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Two days had gone by since I revealed that the baby was Daryl's. Daryl seemed shocked and taken by surprise that it was his. Did he really believe I would've cheated on him? My heart stung at the thought. After all we had been through he thought I would do that. Over the past couple of days I stayed mostly to myself other than doing Enid's and my usual morning jog and helping the others at the training area. I was slowly making friends and building trust with the people here. As long as I kept this up I would be able to leave and return as I pleased.

Daryl kept to himself. Every now and then I'd pass by him and we would exchange glances but nothing more would occur. What did I expect? An apology? Maybe. But knowing Daryl that was a long shot.

Dark rain clouds covered the sky as I worked with Oscar and Enid on making arrows. It had been a long time since I had made my own arrows so Oscar helped teach me.

"Who taught you to do this?" I asked.

Oscar paused for a moment and cleared his throat, "An old friend."

"Just tell her." Enid rolled her eyes. I glanced between the two confused as I continued to wrap the string around the feathers.

"I was at the Kingdom when your father taught a group." Oscar spoke quietly.

"At least you remembered how to do this. Don't ever tell my father that I forgot or else I'll never hear the end of it!" I laughed lightly which caused Oscar and Enid to laugh.

"Saviors!" Rosita shouted from the tower.

My eyes widened as Enid drug me towards the manor. Did they know Daryl and I were here? My stomach sank as we ran into Maggie.

"Do you have the weapons?" Maggie asked frantically.

"They're here." Enid handed Maggie a bag full of arrows and other assorted weapons.

"Go help the others!" Maggie instructed Enid as she tugged me down the hallway.

"Where are we going?" I asked, trying to keep up with her.

"To the one place they have never checked." Maggie flipped over a large carpet revealing a secret door.

"Go, go, go!" Maggie ushered me to go down the steps.

"We'll be safe here." Maggie tossed me the bag of weapons as Daryl followed behind her. I took a few steps back as Daryl walked practically right up to me.

"Do you have the weapons?" Jesus asked.

"We do." Maggie panted.

"Alright. What for my signal!" Jesus whispered before shutting the door, locking us down in the dark and dusty space. I wrapped my arms around my body as Maggie hid behind some barrels.

"Hide behind those!" She pointed behind Daryl and I. Foot steps sounded above us. I gasped lightly as Daryl tugged me behind some crates and held me protectively. Our eyes bored into each others as the saviors walked above us and ranted about items that they wanted to take. Time seemed to freeze as we stared at each other. His touch sent sparks of electricity throughout my body as I breathed in his musky scent. I couldn't begin to explain how badly I missed it. But as fast as it happened, it ended.

"Come on, there has to be more!" Simon yelled.

"This is all we have." Jesus tried to calm Simon.

"This ain't good enough. Negan won't be happy." Simon threatened, "He's already in a bad mood. I wouldn't cross that line if I were you!"

I gritted my teeth, fighting to keep myself down here and not kill Simon. How dare he threaten Jesus!

"We'll scavenge and work harder." Jesus assured.

Daryl's Precious Gem: Iridescent (Daryl Dixon/ Negan Fanfiction) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora