34: Down the Rabbit Hole

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"I'll stay

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"I'll stay." Was what I had promised Carl. And that promise I intended on keeping. I, Ruby Smith, would stay until this mess with Negan and the Saviors was resolved. Then I would live in exile as Ruby Dorlano. Where would I stay? Definitely not Hilltop, Alexandria, or The Kingdom. The Coalition was a possibility but my crimes may not allow me to live there either. I figured living alone was my best option. Heck, I started this journey on my own. Might as well finish it by myself. Find a little cottage in a heavily wooded area, by a lake or that had a nice view would do good for me. After everything that had happened I just wanted peace. Time away from all the chaos. And within no time everyone I ever cared about would forget about me. It would be like I never existed. And after everything I did that sounded like the most reasonable and sensible ending for me.

"You hopping in with us?" Rick asked, interrupting my thoughts. Stiffly, I sat up from the bench I sat on and made my way towards the car. Carl sat in the back seat with his head leaned back on the head rest.

"Carl doesn't look comfortable like that. He should lay down." Concern laced my voice.

"I'll be alright." Carl groaned.

"And you say I'm a bad liar." I raised a brow.

Carl chuckled lightly, "Touché."

"We've only got this vehicle. It's either this or.." Rick gestured to Daryl's motorbike.

"Back seat will do just fine." I took off my jacket and sword, getting myself comfy before the drive.

"Thought so." I heard Rick mutter before closing the door for me. Rolling my eyes I muttered a few choice words under my breath. Carl must have heard it as he chuckled. Michonne joined us shortly and took the front passenger seat before Rick took the wheel. Then we were off.

About ten minutes down the bumpy road Carl began groaning and wincing.

"Why don't you lay down?" I asked him.

"And put my stinky feet on you?" Carl eyed me cheekily.

"No, you use my jacket as a pillow." I patted the jacket on my lap. "My jacket may stink but I'd rather think it's a comfier pillow than your arm or the door."

Carl nodded as he carefully laid down and used my jacket/ lap as a pillow. Carl then began laughing as he looked up at me.

"What's so funny?" My brows furrowed.

"I've never seen you from this angle before." Carl tried to contain his laughter.

"And?" I raised a brow.

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