14: Praise and Loss

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"I'm pregnant?" The words left my mouth before I could stop myself.

"Yes." Dr. Mason smiled sadly.

My jaw dropped as I stared at the screen. Only a couple weeks ago I found out that I could still have kids and now I was pregnant! I grew anxious as I worried about Negan's reaction. Him and I had only started having sexual intercourse as of a week ago.. That meant the baby was not his..

"Can we have a minute alone?" Negan asked. My stomach churned as my heart raced. Breathe.

"Of course." Dr. Mason glanced at me worriedly before he scurried out of the room. Mentally I wished he hadn't left me alone with Negan. I was terrified to know his thoughts! Just breathe.

Negan released a deep breath as he ran his fingers through his black locks of hair. He remained silent as his foot tapped the floor.

I grew impatient as the tension grew in the room, "Spit it out."

Negan clenched his jaw, "Am I not allowed a minute to process the information I just fucking learnt?"

"It's been more than a minute! Tell me your thoughts." I gulped. Breathe.

"Are you ready to be a mother?" He asked.

"No." I answered truthfully. "But is anyone ever ready?"

Negan nodded his head. The last time I had a confirmed pregnancy I was forced to abort it. That was not going to happen again!

"These are different times, Negan. We're not the same people we once were. I know the risks of having this baby. And I'm sure as hell not going to allow you or anyone tell me what to do! You understand?" I sat up on the bed and narrowed my eyes at him. I was dead serious.

Negan's eyes roamed mine before he finally spoke, "I'll be here every step of the way. You have my word."

Negan gently placed his hand on my stomach. Tears of joy rimmed my eyes at his reaction. Negan leaned forward and kissed my forehead before calling the doctor back in. I hadn't expected that response at all. Today was full of surprises! I smiled when Mason returned and explained the process to us. Negan rubbed my tummy lightly with one hand while the other held my hand. Doc gave me some vitamins and supplements to take to help with the pregnancy before he sent us off once the pain subsided. Negan was practically glued to my side as we walked back to the room.

Once inside, I sat on the bed and exhaled slowly. So much had happened in the past few hours. It was hard to believe it was all real!

"Your meals will be brought up. You will stay in here and relax."

"I'm not going to just sit in here and do nothing!"

"Oh, yes you will!" Negan ordered.

"I will not!" I snarled. "That's imprisonment Negan. I'm not a god damn prisoner!"

"You heard the doctor! He said to take it easy."

"That doesn't mean I can't do normal things. I'm not fragile!"

"This baby is." Negan held my hips gently. "I promised I would take care of you and that includes the baby. Now, let me do that."

"You can't keep me in here Negan. I need my freedom still. Please!" I begged.

"Then be my wife." Negan tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "No one will touch you or come near you unless I say otherwise."

I bit my lip as I contemplated my answer. Being his wife did have its perks. Plus, the baby would be safer here than anywhere else.

Daryl's Precious Gem: Iridescent (Daryl Dixon/ Negan Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now