25: Showdown

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Frost hugged the earth like a blanket making every step I made crunch louder than it normally would

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Frost hugged the earth like a blanket making every step I made crunch louder than it normally would. After Carol and I went our separate ways I trekked through the forest towards the Sanctuary. Many walkers crossed my path which I killed with ease. After slicing many of their heads off their blood and guts stuck to me which masked my scent. It was a win-win situation. On one hand the walkers left me alone and on the other I could blend into a herd of them. After a few miles of hanging with the walkers I noticed a difference between their growls and was able to copy them to a tee! After this war was over this could be a way to get around without worrying about being bitten.

In the distance a gun shot sounded which startled me and caught the attention of the small herd I had joined. Their growls grew louder and their jaws snapped with anticipation as they switched directions. As the herd began trailing towards the main road I drew away and stuck to the bushes. Last thing I needed was to be mistaken for a walker and be shot! Being cautious of my surroundings I quietly made my way towards the noise. My heart began racing when I heard a group of people speaking. Were they Saviors? As I crept closer I eavesdropped into their conversation.

"We need more supplies!" A brunette man snarled.

A blonde woman rolled her eyes as she lit a cigarette, "Chill out Vince! We'll meet our quota."

"Says the one that stands around and does nothing!" Vince scoffed. "This is complete and utter bullshit! Why can't we just pay the Kingdom another visit?"

"Because Negan said so." The blonde flicked the ash off the end of the cigarette. So they were Saviors!

This could go two ways; I could either kill one and keep the other alive to take me back to the Sanctuary. Or I could surrender myself over and prove to them that I was on their side. Both options were good but logically I knew I had to gain their trust. Well, here goes nothing! I exited the bushes quietly and made my way towards their truck.

"You're Saviors, right?" I cleared my throat. Vince jumped and appeared startled for a moment before he reached for his shotgun that was slung across his shoulder.

"I mean no harm." I held my hands in front of me.

"State your name!" Vince demanded.

"My name is Ruby."

"You're supposed to be dead!" The blonde snarled as the two lifted their guns.


As if reading my mind Vince cocked the shotgun, "Don't even think about it!"

"I seek an audience with Negan!" I demanded.

A crunch sounded from behind me but by the time I noticed it was too late. I was so involved in the conversation that I hadn't realized another Savior sneak up. The red head woman struck me harshly over the head causing me to collapse to the ground. Groaning I fought to keep my eyes open as they rolled me onto my back.

Daryl's Precious Gem: Iridescent (Daryl Dixon/ Negan Fanfiction) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu