12: Daryl-Part 2

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After the stranger failed to propose a good plan to escape the Sanctuary Daryl returned to his cell and thought over plans that would actually work.

The next morning Dwight knocked on the door and made Daryl leave without eating breakfast. Daryl knew something was up so he prepared himself for the worst. Dwight escorted Daryl out to an old army truck which had other saviors loaded up in the rear. Daryl took a seat at the end while Dwight sat across from him.

What the hell is goin' on? Daryl wondered.

As the truck drove down the road Daryl stared at the scenery around them trying to map out an escape route. That's when Daryl recognized the area. Hilltop! He glanced over at Dwight who also admired the scenery. Daryl became confused when he saw a hilltop member being escorted to a different vehicle. What was Negan doing? The thought passed when the truck started moving once again but this time towards Alexandria.

Fuck.. Daryl mentally sighed. After another few hours of driving the truck breaks squealed and then the engine shut off.

"Come on." Dwight motioned for Daryl to exit the back of the truck. Daryl did as Dwight said and followed him through the gates towards the town hall. All the Alexandrian's stared at Daryl in pure shock. None of them had ever seen Daryl in such rough shape. Dwight pushed Daryl forward as they made their way towards Negan, Carl and Rick. Olivia held onto Judith protectively as Negan chatted with Rick and Carl.

A gunshot rang out of Denises house before yelling began. Daryl's eyes widened as he took a step forward.

"Don't." Dwight warned. Daryl released a deep breath as he knew what would happen if Negan were to catch him.

"What the shit is going on here?" Negan turned towards the commotion. Simon backed away from the house as Ruby held a savior hostage.

"This man killed the doctor!" Ruby's lips trembled as she pressed a gun into the saviors head.

Negan eyed his man, "Why did you kill the doc?"

"She refused to hand over medications." The savior spat blood out from his mouth.

"Seems straight forward." Negan shrugged.

"Denise was the one who brought me back to life! She used the last epinephrine on me when she could've kept it for anyone else!" Ruby breathed deeply as she did her best not to sob. Daryl wanted to be at her side and aid her but it would only make things worse.

"What the hell is she doing?" Dwight whispered and shook his head. Over the course of the past couple weeks Daryl had noticed Dwights interest in Ruby but not in a romantic way. It was like a sibling bond had been built between the two.

"Well, executioner it's your choice! Kill this man for what he did or show him mercy." Negan smirked. "What's it gonna be?"

Ruby's jaw clenched as she debated what to do. After a few seconds she frustratedly sighed as she released the man and pushed him away.

"Bitch." Daryl could barely hear him whisper.

"Oh shit." Dwight lowered his head.

In that moment Ruby snapped and shot him in his calf. The man screamed in agony as he fell to his knees. He clutched his leg as he turned to Ruby, "What the fu.."

Before he could finish his sentence Ruby shot him again in the shoulder and then in his chest, piercing his lung. The man now laid on the ground and bled out. He coughed up blood as she crouched beside him.

"What was it you called me?" Ruby narrowed her eyes at him. In between his gargled breaths he tried speaking but his breathing became ragged.

Ruby held her hand up to her ear, "What was that? I can't quite make out what you're saying."

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