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UHHHHH- where do I start? I guess you're here anyways. This is just the existence of what I say is 'Imagination' and 'Free-time thoughts' but others would say 'Wtf are you doing' and 'Cringe'. This is a fair reaction. But I still ship 'em anyways so please don't flame me.

First off some notes to take here for this stupid story that I am wasting my life on and wasting YOUR time on(Thanks for reading this though. P.S. It has been changed) :

- There are ships(no shit) you'll see them. Soon.

- These are my head canons so if you have a problem, I sadly cannot fix them.

- If you couldn't tell, I am in need of desperate help and really have no idea what this story is going to be. This is going to be wild.

- There's swearing. Obviously.

- This is my first story. It will be bad.

- I am blind as fuckkkk where am I going with this-

l you should need to know, or at least all the things I remember. K, see you in the next one.

Burnt Roses and Stolen Hearts(Lucien x Caspian)Where stories live. Discover now