Chapter 29

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The sound of crisp leaves ruffling in the wind harmonized with the song of birds were the first sounds the thief heard this nice morning. It was made better with a familiar voice.

The highwayman was the first to wake. 

"...Wake up... It's like... 11(?) ... You're holding onto me... Let go."

"Mmmmm...? Well morning to you too."

"Right. Sorry. Morning. Can you please let go though?"

"Hmmm... Say please..."

"Please my ass- nevermind I'll just-"

"You're not going anywhere until you say it."

Caspian, now mostly awake, hugged Lucien even tighter, bringing the French man closer to his chest. Not only that, but thief dug his face into the other's back, getting good whiff of gunpowder. Lucien pouted as he tried to breathe at a normal pace, the hug practically causing him to wheeze.

"Urgh... You're so... Oh for fucks- Fine. Please?"

"Please who?"



"Let go."

"Say it all together now, or else I don't know what to do~!"

"Oh my fuckin- Caspian, dear, may you please let me go?"

"... Mmmmmm... no."


"Worth it."

"...I hate you."

"Love you too~"

"Why... Why didn't I expect that? Let me go."

"Fine, but one thing."


One peck behind his ear later, and the highwayman was able to get up and stretch comfortably. Then, he extended his arm to help Caspian, who was still pretty tired and somewhat sore, up. Caspian smirked and Lucien groaned, jerking his helping hand away.

"I hate you so, so, so much. I hope you really understand that. We could've been in this position at least a few minutes ago."

"I know... why do you think I'm like this." He gave a goofy smile and the highwayman just glared, but he really couldn't find himself to be mad. So, he just turned away, started walking, and realized one thing.

"...How are we going to explain ourselves?"

He turned back to the thief, now closely behind him, and saw the little shock go through his eyes as well. They both paused.

"We should be fine. I doubt there's a need to worry..."

Caspian gently held Lucien's hand and gave a reassuring smile. The highwayman didn't return it back, instead, his look seemingly darkened with uneasiness, not a new feeling, but a rare one. The thief frowned.

"It's okay. We have each other..."

"I think even if we didn't, we're still in trouble. At least, I am."

The prince sighed and squeezed the other's hand.

"You're not. It's not really your fault anyways. We can figure this out on our way."

They started walking again, but the highwayman still felt uncomfortable. Caspian was right though, at least they had each other. That made it a bit more... bearable. By the time they reached the edge of the Fangwild, Lucien was taking deep breaths and looking around.

Burnt Roses and Stolen Hearts(Lucien x Caspian)Where stories live. Discover now