Chapter 15

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Lucien slowly rose, dust and smoke stinging his eyes as he got off his knees. Fixing his hat then watching as the smoke cleared, he tried to take a step but nearly fell. Well, guess I'll be standing awkwardly. Stupid legs.

He was sweating and breathing heavily, his knees wobbling, begging him to rest, but he didn't. He was going to try and just wobble off the stage, but his sidekick grabbed him by the arm, lifted him, and the announcer, again in his booming voice, said "WOW!!! WHAT A GAME! UNBELIEVABLE! LUCIEN AND CASPIAN WIN!"

The crowd went wild, screaming and cheering loudly for such a game. The sidekick soared into the air with such speed that Lucien swore that one of his bones cracked louder than Thor's thunder. He was startled, but that's when he was placed on the podium, where Orion with his bent armor and Diana with messed up, smoky clothes, were seen, clapping and nodding in respect.

The odd thing was that Caspian wasn't on his podium. As if his mind was read, the Announcer said "Unfortunately, Caspian was unable to wake up. That combo took him out! Sorry folks!" The audience groaned and grumbled, disappointed, but they still didn't seem to mind too much, as the game was just as beautiful as any other, maybe even a little more exciting.

Lucien just stood there, but tried to wear the most pride on his face as possible as he bowed. He respectfully shook hands with Orion and Diana, still a little unsure, then left the podium, running with what little strength he had left to the waiting room. The audience and even his own sidekick was surprised at how fast he left, but the announcer covered him unintentionally, stating that the next game was going to begin. No time for autographs or worrying about the next game.

Right now his focus was on the thief. He stumbled through the door to the legend's room, where Caspian and his sidekick were. He hurriedly and clumsily made his way, his hips sore and his legs cramping. He nudged the prince "Caspian... are you okay?" He sat down, facing the sidekick, the Valkyrie bot, which shrugged. "Well that's a big help. Thank you though, I think you can leave to get the other legends." the bot nodded and hovered out of the room.

Lucien swept the hair that normally covered his eye out of the way, his eyesight focusing on the knocked out thief. The good thing was that in Asgard, there was no more place after here. Well, that's what he thought, and hoped. The prince was barely breathing though, so the highwayman didn't have to worry as much.

He took off his hat and tried again. A little nudge, hoping for anything. Goddamnit. I don't even know what to do. I hope he's alright though. This was the first time Lucien was dealing with a knocked out partner. Just to make sure, he checked for a pulse. It was there, and the sidekick put Caspian in the right position to breathe, so thank god no CPR was needed.

Lucien just continued staring, very unsure and pretty worried. "Have you tried smelling salts?" an echoey voice was heard. Lucien turned around to see Orion, peering at the prince. "NOW HOL-" "Calm down. We're just here to check on him as well, not to gloat. You guys won anyway." The monster hunter calmly stood next to Orion, also studying Caspian.

"He has a pulse, he's breathing. And also, you guys should stop startling me. That's all I wanted to say."

"Right... right. Well, Orion has a good idea. Smelling salts."
"Well where the fuck would I get that?"

"I can go and ask if you'd like."
"I'll pass on that one Orion. You guys can go. I'll figure this out myself."

"Are you sure about this? You seem unsure."
"I'll be fine Diana. Just... just leave. You guys have better things to do anyway."

Orion respectfully nodded, congratulated him, and left. Diana looked at him, a split second of pity was seen in her eyes, but she turned away and left "Ok then... have a good day you two." Lucien mumbled "Same." and watched as the two walked away, their gear and outfits now fixed and proper.

The moment they left and Lucien thought that he could breathe, purple smoke was seen, and Jiro popped out. "OH FOR CHRIST SAKE CAN I PL-"

"Is he ok?" Jiro didn't even sound curious, just firm and serious.

"I believe so. He's breathing, just not responding."
"I can't believe this."

"Neither can I. Don't worry, I think he's fine though."

"...Ok then. Maybe." Jiro gently held Caspian's hand, lifting it and moving it to what seemed to him to be a better position. Lucien was slightly irritated by this action, but he just sighed.

"You have a battle soon. You should focus on that. I'll take care of him."

The shogun just continued staring at the prince, but nodded.

"I'll leave. Take good care of him."

"I will," Lucien bit himself back from saying Stop worrying, he's my partner.

"Oh and, good luck. Ember and Ragnir are hard to beat." Jiro nodded again and stepped out of the legend's room and into the waiting room, taking one last glance at the two.

Finally, the room was empty, it was just the two of them. For now. Lucien just put his hat back on, straightened it, and stared at the situation so far. Caspian was out, his breathing being the only real noise in the room. He wasn't disturbed before with all the commotion, A.K.A, Lucien yelling, so certainly, certainly, he wouldn't respond to the highwayman carrying him. Would he?

Well, there's always a first time. Lucien readied himself and hesitantly got the thief in his arms. He wobbled a bit, but he was able to steady. Caspian remained still, except for his breathing, thank god. Lucien converted the most he could into extra energy to carry him. He stumbled every step, but he made it out of the legend's room. A sidekick looked at him and took the prince from him. "Oh. Thanks. Can you uh, please just follow me? I'll tell you where to place him." the bot looked at him and nodded.

Eventually, they made it to the highwayman's house, where the bot placed Caspian on the worn out couch and left, in which Lucien thanked them with, giving it coins. Not that he knew what the bot would do with it, but it seemed happy. Lucien took his hat off, placing it on the kitchen table, before getting his cookbook and some supplies.

Well, he's taken care of me. Might as well see if I can do the same.


If he wakes up soon.


Ello! I come back with a new chapter! Sorry if it literally was just a scene that could be described in a paragraph or less, but I guess I got a little too into it. Anyways you guys go and get yourselves a hug, I'll be back.

Also, looking back at it now, my writing style has changed.

Burnt Roses and Stolen Hearts(Lucien x Caspian)Where stories live. Discover now