Chapter 6

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"So basically, Diana..." Cassidy started the scenario. Caspian was internally slapping himself in the face. He let himself slip. THRICE. IN FRONT OF 2 PEOPLE. ONE BEING LUCIEN. He just let it go for now. Maybe he could ask for some advice from his Gramps.

One thing caught his ears though, it was the outlaw saying:

"She told Scarlet and Ada that the people who wouldn't be invited were; Dusk, Volkov, Mordex, Azoth, Xull... and, well, Lucie-"

"Wait WHY?!"

"Scarlet asked the same thing... Diana said simply, that well... Lucien didn't deserve it... and that he needed time to recover..." Cassidy added that last part quickly. Then added AGAIN:

"She probably saw a supporter of ya, Lucien."

Lucien just looked coldly at the counter. He couldn't believe that lie. That absolute BULLSHIT. He wasn't going to get mad. He already dragged himself to please Caspian. He just pinched his temple and said: "Let's get this shit over with. Okay. She likes Black Forest Cake, extra wine in the chocolate... she used to get it all the time when we dated... she loved it..." the last sentence had a depressing drag to it. The three stared with pity, but right now, that didn't matter.

Cassidy split the silence "I'll go to the bookshelves of recipes. Do you think you know what type of culture or region this cake takes the style of?"

The highwayman grunted and said "I don't know, I don't care, just show me some photos and I'll see what matches."

Taken aback, the outlaw went to go to the bookshelves of recipes, and her head seemed to hang a little. Lucien felt no pity like he did for Caspian. He didn't care. He didn't need to give out any more pity, not anymore. Diana deserved it... that took a few days to understand.

She soon came back with 3 thick books and said "The photos are in the back of each. Sorry for the huge amount, this is just... my collection I guess, I really like baking..." She seemed to trail into her thoughts.

Lucien just opened one of the books, skimmed through the photos, and just pointed at the most convincing and possibly least appetizing, he also made sure that it DID look a little bit similar. "This one. It's the closest to the one she liked" Cassidy nodded, and she took a card off the book, containing the recipe. She turned to the two thieves.

"You guys can leave now. I have the recipe and the ingredients. Thanks for your he-"

"We'll stay and help... At least... I will." Caspian's words rushed out of his mouth, but he sounded sincere.

"Really? Aren't you busy or something?"

"PLEASE. I don't have a present for Diana so if I have some credit for making the cake, my ass won't be beat- or... a fight won't happen."

"Uhh... sure! Well then. 4 hands are better than 2. Can you put the books away then?"

Caspian, nodded, and he put the books away as Cassidy was preparing the kitchen. "Thanks, sometimes you need all 4 arms, beating people's asses ain't one of them." The outlaw smiled as she remembered a particular 2v2 match.

She then sighed and smiled, before handing Caspian an apron, saying "Now don't get too smug about getting away with this. Ruin the cake and Diana won't be the only one kicking your ass." The thief scoffed in return, but it was a playful one. Caspian then looked over at Lucien and said "Wanna join in?"



"Yes... for now, let me go back home, I'll be back soon..."

And with that, the short Frenchman disappeared. Cassidy looked at Caspian and said "Okay then... let's get started." He nodded before Cassidy slipped out some more words, "You have weird friends- OH- WAIT- SORRY-" she dropped the bowl in her hands and gave Caspian an embarrassed look. 

Burnt Roses and Stolen Hearts(Lucien x Caspian)Where stories live. Discover now