Chapter 11

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The giant clock in the room rang twice. It was 2. Caspian stared at the wall where the clock lay. It was time... well, for the main guest.

"Cas? Are you good? You look worried."

"Yeah, I'm fine Jiro."

Then a knock was heard at the door, Jiro went to get it as Caspian prepared himself(for some reason). "Hello Jiro." A French voice was heard, and Caspian knew for sure that it was him. Immediately he rushed up behind the shadow stealer and said "Bonjour Lucien~ Glad to see you here!" The highwayman adjusted his hat and muttered some words before saying

"Ok, who are we training with?"

"Jiro, Cross, Barraza, and Volkov, look, I know it's a different list, but uh-"

"I don't really care."

"About time you came, Lucien." A gruff voice was heard in the background, and Barraza was behind Caspian, staring directly at Lucien, and reaching out his hand.

"Barraza." Lucien squinted his eyes and stared back, accepting the handshake. Both, still staring at each other, shook with force. Tension rose and the thief and shogun looked at each other before Barraza burst out into laughter, Lucien even showing a smile.

"Man! It's been a while since I've seen you at someone's house. Didn't expect you here. Good to see you again Lucien."


"Barraza and I are good friends, I guess, we knew each other before all of you guys. We haven't seen each other in what? Around a month or so." Lucien entered the house and Caspian just stared between the two, taking his time just processing what was going on, before continuing "Uhh ok... anyways... what do you guys want to do?"

"Aren't we here to train, Caspian?"

"Cross, I didn't expect to get this far, and I know you guys have different tastes on how to fight so-"

"How about just regular 1v1 scuffles for now?" Lucien suggested, and the others nodded.

"Sure then. Let me go get Volkov and we'll start. Plug your ears. Trust me."

Caspian took a deep breath and started yelling. Loudly. Even with plugged ears, Lucien felt that he could hear the stupid thief's voice.

Within a matter of seconds, a swarm of bats was seen. They scattered and revealed the vampire, obviously annoyed. "WHAT DO YOU WANT CASPIAN?!" Volkov yelled, fangs bared at the thief, who did not flinch one bit, even with the fangs so near to his face.

"Everyone's here and we've agreed on 1v1 scuffles. You also agreed to do training so uhhh-"

"...Fine. You are lucky that Onyx and Magyar are out of this castle, or else I would've sent them."

"Yeah yeah, Onyx is at her book club and I have no idea where Magyar is, but we trust in them enough that they can take care of themselves."

"Caspian, they took care of you when you were a small child. You kno-"

"Ok how about we stop right there-"

The vampire showed a wide smile, amused before nodding and saying "Well then, who is with who?"


"Caspian, don't tell me you just got to this point."

"I'm with Caspian, Barraza's with Lucien, and you're with Cross. All planned out!" Jiro said, interrupting him and Caspian stared at him. Jiro's face read I am so fucking sorry but I don't really think all of us want to be yelled. THIS WAS RANDOM I SWEAR-. Caspian squinted his eyes at him and said "Sure." everybody else seemed to be fine, knowing that Jiro used emergency words to stop another lecture or conversation for god knows how long.

Burnt Roses and Stolen Hearts(Lucien x Caspian)Where stories live. Discover now