Chapter 16

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The prince inhaled a sharp breath of air and blinked quickly, opening his eyes to see two figures. As he was trying to make them out, he heard a familiar voice.

"Thank you Yumiko. I think the smelling salts worked."

"No problem Lucien! Always tell me when you need help. Good luck with him my friend."


"You know exactly what I mean. Anyways... just explain to him what happened. I'll be off!"

The right figure flicked an ear and dashed off. The prince assumed that was his kitsune friend. He knew exactly who the other voice belonged to and felt his heart skip a beat. Maybe even melt a little. He cares... how sweet.

"What are you trying to smile about?" Caspian's eyes finally were able to adjust and he was glad he wasn't dreaming. He saw a raised eyebrow from the highwayman, who was towering over him, well, for now. He slowly rose from the couch and heard something crack. Shaking it off, in a steady voice, answered.

"O-oh... nothing. What happened?"

The gaze softened a little. "You got knocked out. Quite literally in fact."

"Well obviously."

"Shut up will you? Basically I carried you back here and settled you in. Then, I got Yumiko over with smelling salts and here we are."

"...Well. That sounds like a lot. Did I worry you?"

The silence made Caspian smirk a little.

"You should not be acting this happy. I literally had no idea what to do. In fact, it was Diana and Orion who gave me the idea. Otherwise I would've just left your sorry ass ther-"

"You're lying. You wouldn't have done that would you?"

"...Maybe, maybe not. Want dinner? I cooked."

"No. I'm good. Tired. Mind if I just... rest here?"

"No, I don't mind. You deserve some rest anyways, I guess."

"Thank you... oh and one last thing."


"Did we- no, did you win or lose?"

"...We won. You can check the highlights tomorrow."

"Really? Wow... thanks..." and with that the thief settled into the sofa and closed his eyes, stuck in a cocoon of a blanket. Lucien just stared as he slowly and softly fell asleep.

"That was sweet. Glad he's good."

Whipping his head towards the window was none other than... 


"Shhhhhhhh! He's sleeping, and yes I'm here hehe. Miss me?"

"Why. Are. YOU. HERE?!"

"I was always here silly. Well one, I know you have extra food, and two, we need to talk."

"About what?"

"You know exactly what I mean. Now, may you set up dinner for the two of us?"

"What?! NO! You think you can just stick around to listen to a conversation, further question me and THEN ask for food?!"



"Shhhh! Again, your friend is sleeping. Speaking of which, he is why I am here. Also, I helped you, didn't I? Exactly."

Lucien just hardened his glare at Kitsune, who was smiling, completely happy with her words. Oh how badly he wanted to just scream swears in his head to hurt her-

Burnt Roses and Stolen Hearts(Lucien x Caspian)Where stories live. Discover now