Chapter 17

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Note in hand, Caspian just processed all the dialogue that happened last night. In all honesty, he had no idea how he got away with all of that. Must've been with all of his paranoid thoughts whenever he was tasked with robbing, making him practically invisible, even thought-wise.

He slipped a little 'oh' but that was all. At least, he thought. Maybe Yumiko did hear him, but was helping the lovesick thief. Not that both really got anything out of it, the cute French man was still in denial.

He did care, right? Like even a note was left, telling him not to worry and that there were leftovers if he were hungry. Yeah. He definitely cared. Totally.


Well. There was food anyways, and time to actually examine the note. It was vague anyways and time needed to be passed.


On the highwayman's side, he was already talking to someone.

"Let's put it this way. It's a forgive not forget situation."

"...I... I know. I'm truly regretful of this you know? I should've taken you into consideration and I know it must'v-"

"Don't even start. We just went through that whole fucking conversation, 30 minutes as well. We should just end it here."

Diana's eyes widened.

"Well... do you?"

"Again, forgive not forget. I do, but don't expect everything to be all rainbows and butterflies after this."

"Well obviously. Fine. I'll shake on it."

Lucien held out his hand and Diana shook it. Both were glaring and shaking aggressively, but it was what it was. The highwayman had gone to her house early in the morning to make amends. The conversation lasted longer than he thought, but the topic was tough for the both of them anyways.

"Glad you guys made up." A rumbly voice was heard outside the window.

"WHO-" Diana whipped her head around and found Kor outside, staring with his one eye, glowing.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" The monster hunter was furious, and it looked like she was ready to beat the ever living crap out of him.

"Oh. I was watching butterflies and planning on how to get the golems justice, the usual, and if you'd like to hear, I'm always open! Anyways... that was happening until I overheard the conversation, decided to listen in."


"Well... I'm just happy you guys made up."

Lucien scoffed, "And this is why you guys haven't gained justice yet."

"Say that one more time and I'll mess you up."

"Says the slow-ass pile of kidney stones."


"You heard me."

"Fine. Fight me then. Let's see who's really the pile of stones, or rather for you, bones."

"You're so funny. It's on." Lucien jumped out the window, to which Diana shrieked "THAT'S MY WINDOW! THERE'S A DOOR FOR A REASON DUMBASS."

"Eeh... whatever."


"Look, just let me fight the golem. Then I'll face off against you."

Diana just glared daggers at him as he walked in front of Kor, ready to fight.

*Time Skip*



"I got my ass beat by a pile of stones and my ex."

"You WHAT-"

"I got beat by Kor and Diana."

"Well yeah, heard it the first time, plus, I can see that. Are you alright?"

Lucien looked at his arm and moved it. It cracked loudly.

"Yeah I should be good."

"That's a lie." The thief grabbed the highwayman's arm and dragged him to the couch.

"You're not gonna get me to si-"

A soft shove was given and Lucien fell into the couch.

"Right. Rightttt."

"I hate you."

"Love you too." Caspian winked and Lucien just faced away, knowing that the same feeling would pop up. Heat in the cheeks, and a little lightheaded feeling.

"Whatever. You should rest more than me anyways."

"How did this even happen? I thought you wanted to make up with her."

"Wait how did you-"

"You're pretty easy to read, Lucien. Even your notes." Caspian giggled a little as he sat down on the stool next to him, examining him.

"Don't worry. In the end it was all just laughs. Kind of. Well I guess I provoked both of them."

"What- You're skipping over so much-"

"Right. We made amends, Kor overheard us and I said some... stuff  that made the both of us challenge each other into a fight. I jumped out of Diana's window, which was open so don't even start, and she was pissed. I told her to fight me after Kor then. I didn't think she would but she did. Kor beat the lights out of me and then Diana trashed me."

"And you guys laughed it off...?"

"It was just for the shits and giggles, of course we did."

Caspian stared at Lucien for a while, before lifting his arm

"Sure. Now where do you put the ice packs? Your shoulder needs it."


Short filler chapter tbh. The apology wasn't added because I just couldn't write it. Don't... don't ask. Sorry about all of this. Ok bye.

Burnt Roses and Stolen Hearts(Lucien x Caspian)Where stories live. Discover now