Chapter 19

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Lucien checked the board Munin. Well shit. The raven was really annoying, song-wise and even battle-wise. He adjusted his collar and scanned the area, before something caught his eye. Then, a shot of thoughts ran through his head, and before he knew it,


The highwayman called out and saw the ruffled wings that assumed to be the celestial's stick out. Yup, that was them all right. Zariel's head snapped up, and it seemed that they were trying to find the familiar voice.

Lucien just sighed and just walked up to them, tapping them on the arm, and they flinched. Hard. "Sorry, but here." Zariel tipped their head down and stared at Lucien, confused. "What are you here for?"

"Originally to check the matchups, but I saw your big-ass wings and remembered something that I wanted to talk to you about."

They raised their eyebrows, tilting their head as Lucien scoffed "Yeah surprise right? Crazy. And no, this was not planned at all. This was in fact, last minute." Zariel stared with their poker-face at him for a while, then nodded.

"Well, I suppose I have time."

"Also, can this be spoken in private?"

To be honest, the shorter man did not expect the taller one to nod again. "Sure, follow me." The celestial started walking, hiding their wings under their cape as the highwayman followed. They had then made it to the Celestial's small, simple, yet cozy home.

They opened the door and they both went in. Lucien embraced the warm and unusual feeling of this house. It had a particular style, like any other, but this one was just a little more weird. That didn't matter right now, so he started.

"Zariel, I have a question."

"Well... go on"

The French man sat down at the table that the celestial gestured him to and looked at Zariel dead in the eyes.

"You know, we're kind of similar. We both don't like showing emotion, and gain and want influence from the tournaments and matches. Quite the same, right?"

"..Yes?" Zariel paused, a little confused. "And...?"

"Now it may sound rude, and honestly I'll just be real with you, but how the fuck did you end up with Koji?"

Their eyes widened a little, and in an almost amused tone, said "Well... charm, I suppose. He did introduce me to everything and everyone. I guess... you'll need his side."

"I'd rather not..."

"Well, he's the type of man to make you slip." Their tone was trying to stay strong in the emotionless factor, but it seemed that their mouth was tugging at a small smile, as if reminiscing some fond memories.

"I came also because you know a lot about legends, like a weird lot. Why?"

Suddenly the amusement was gone, they flinched a little, seemingly uneasy.


Zariel blinked, and not eyeing him, even turning away, nervous, said

"I didn't expect anyone to know... it's for, uh. It's for... brawling. I just write down how each legend acts, know their strengths and weaknesses, and then train depending on which ones I'll be facing. So it's... easier. It's nothing really, nothing to worry about."

They still looked unsure, but Lucien brushed it off, they were uncomfortable about sharing some pretty good tactics.

"Oh... that's interesting."

"Don't tell anyone ok? It's just between you and me."


They bit their lower lip, some uncertainty still in their eyes before exhaling sharply into their normal, neutral face. Their teal eyes still showed some worry.

"Well, what else about it?" It was a bit impatient, but Lucien moved on.

"How does Caspian act?"

They looked even more shocked than before. This time, the smile didn't even bother trying to hide. They legitimately looked amused.

"Oooh I see... so you do like him! Or are you brawling against him?"

"What- no, neither. I just want to know. What made you assume the first option anyways?"

"Jiro, Koji, Scarlet, Yumiko, Cross, and a little bit of Ada."


"Correct. Well, answering your question I'd say Caspian can be cocky, he loves to please and entertain, which sometimes makes him slip. He can be pretty focused and does show some aggression when fighting. Pretty sentimental I'd say. Hmmm... oh yes. He's pretty hyper and very flirty with everyone but I'd say that's a given."

"Actually, sorry and no offense, but everything you said was a given."

They blinked, amusement gone and the worry back, as if the statements before were a jab.

"Kind of expected you to say that. You've been pretty close to him after all. I will say this though: he's not as easy to read as you think."

"Now what do you mean by that?" Now the highwayman was intrigued.

"Well... I'm not sure actually, I just have a feeling that he's hiding some feelings under there, that's all."

Lucien nodded, a little unsatisfied for all that he got, but it was good enough.

"Well then. Thank you. I'll be out now."

Zariel nodded and waved their goodbye. Lucien got out of his seat and left. Another sharp exhale was heard by the celestial as he left. Weird. Before he actually made it out the door though, Zariel asked one more question. One that was unexpected to the highwayman.

"Why do you really want to know?"
Lucien stared at them, and realized that he himself was a little surprised at the act.

"To be honest, I don't know. Maybe I'm not myself. I've been doing stuff that's been confusing me for a while..."
"Allowing Caspian to do shit with me, keeping his letters and roses safe... actually caring."
"So you lied."

"You said you didn't like him. That is blatantly false. Even I know, and I'm not even here to-" They stopped themselves, their worried look deepening, as they widened their eyes. It seemed to be shaken off as they just blinked, then stared, their glare questioning Lucien. To be honest, it was a little impressive to the highwayman that the celestial had no fear in staring down his white void of eyes.

"How about you continue your sentence?" He dared.

The celestial blinked, unaffected, then spat calmly "You answer my question first, because it came first."

Lucien raised his eyebrow and scoffed. "Fine then. Well I don't know. Maybe I do, maybe I don't. I'm pretty sure I don't, this is all being done because... because..."
"You care?"

"No, I mean, possibly, but like, no."
"With how confused you are, I think that you're either still in denial or truly don't know."



"WELL FUCK YOU TOO!" The highwayman swore and cursed at the damned celestial. Well, maybe the sentence wasn't that important. They were like every other normal legend here after all, they just came from another place. Plus, they were more respectable than that golden bastard Orion.

Now thinking about it, Lucien felt like his head and heart([?]truly, he had no clue) were fighting. He didn't care. Of course not! But then why was Zariel making so much... sense? Then again, at this state and point in time, nothing made sense. Or well, made enough sense.

This was getting too confusing for his head. Maybe some tea and some rest will do him some good.



Ships because plot convenience? Yes. I mean, sure, it works and  is a little cute, but you know, more for plot lmao. Also this wasn't really more filler, but it was. Anyways I hope this was well enough, because it's finally a little bit satisfying in length for me, I'll proofread this later. See you guys.

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