Chapter 21

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Ah shit.

Lucien couldn't feel anything. How many times had the music rung in his ears? Well definitely not enough because the announcer's stupid voice was still heard.

Everything before and after that was a blur though. A messy one as well. The only highlights he remembered from the battle, and the afterward, was that:

- He did the mistake of taking a) a fucking bird and also b) a fucking scythe legend offstage.

- Lost his first stock early, not even being able to grab a weapon. Only thing he was able to do was escape, get caught again, and land a total of 1 punch on the bird.

- Got completely annihilated. The raven still was on her third stock. Orange even, as if Lucien just scratched her.

- Was embarrassed on stage as he congratulated the raven, with all the eyes watching him.

Now he was in the legend room, completely surprised that he wasn't deaf to be honest. He swore that the notes still were stuck in his head, on loop. It was driving him mad. Luckily, a hyper voice struck the madness out. For now. Probably.

"Sooooo about that. You told me he would turn Munin into kfc! Kentucky fried crow! Pay up hehe!"
"One, I never said that, two, she's a raven, three, how can she be Kentucky fried? And four, FINE. Here."

"Well it doesn't matter, thanks! It was a good game though Lucien. I hate scythe as well."

Lucien grunted, stretching his shoulders. Thea put the coins away and looked at him. She turned to Scarlet and shrugged.

"Anyways... wish me luck! I'm on a lucky streak and I don't want that to end now! Haha!"

"Good luck Thea."


The speedster dashed off to face Thor in another rematch and Scarlet tapped Lucien on the shoulder.

"Why do you have that on you?"
"Just in case. Bought an extra coffee for myself, but it seems like you need it more."

Lucien stared at the cup and sniffed it. It had a strong smell. Scarlet stared at him, slightly concerned as he slowly took the coffee from her hands.

"Why are you eyeing it like that? I'm not tryna poison you-"
"I know. I think. Did Caspian set you up for this?"
"WHAT- Oh I see. Why? He's been on your mind recently~?"
"Huh?! No- it's just that after the past few days of whatever fucking rollercoaster of a life I just got myself into, everything's been relating back to Caspian. That bastard found a way. AGAIN."

"What in the heavens do you mean?"

"Oh never mind. Just... Thank you for the coffee. Also since when have you guys started betting on legends and wins?"

"You act as if you haven't done it yourself. Also don't avoid the goddamn question. I don't bite."

Lucien eyed her, squinting his eyes before sighing.

"I guess not. Well, he's just doing it again. I have no idea why."
"You've gotta be kidding me. You actually have to."

Scarlet's voice dropped to disappointment and she pressed her fingers to her temple, sighing.


"You actually have to be kidding me."


"Oh never mind it then. Also, that kind of goes against your point. He has been on your mind if you've been thinking about the situations that surround him. And well, him himself."

Burnt Roses and Stolen Hearts(Lucien x Caspian)Where stories live. Discover now