Chapter 20

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"Okay so here's the plan, I just slowly but surely approach him, then make some moves, ask him out, and I should be good. Like some small little actions as moves, some good pickup lines... uh. Anything else?"


"Thanks guys."

The gargoyle sniffed before closing her book, of course with a little trouble. Without batting an eye, she looked up.

"Well how are we supposed to help you? I have nothing about romance."
"What about the books-?"
"I don't read that sorta stuff."

"Well Magyar, you guys were the spirits of knights, no? Have anything that might help me?"

The enchanted armor blinked their many eyes. Rumbling could be heard from the entity, as if the spirits were sorting out what to say and trying to find memories. The choir of voices that rumbled along with the armor normally wouldn't hurt the prince, who was used to it, but this time he was anxious.

"Nothing. Why does it matter so much anyways?" The multiple eyes followed Caspian as he paced around the room.

"I just... oh for Batavia's sake I'm desperate! I need advice and plans and I don't know where to go an-"
"I have never heard you sound this worried. Maybe you should get a good night's rest. It's been a tiring day."
"Onyx. I'm fine. That K.O. did nothing. Why did I ask you guys for help? This is so-."
"Because you know we care about you?"

The prince shut up and looked at the two. Onyx put her book down and gave her crooked grin. Magyar only nodded, the spirits rumbling again. Caspian sighed. They were right, and they were convenient. Well, it was worth the shot.

"Well... thanks anyways. I guess I'll talk to the only person left then."


"Hey Gramps."

The vampire king flinched and the glass of wine in his hand looked like it was going to be crushed with one wrong move. Volkov whipped his head back, annoyed, wine glass still in hand, not harmed at all. He stared menacingly at the prince.

"WHAT DO- oh, you're okay. I forgot. Welcome back Caspian. How are you? I got the note from Onyx that you were... a little bit out. I saw it myself as well. Tough match. Close game. Good job. I'm proud." The vampire strolled to a nearby table and sat down, before sighing loudly.

"The French man. Lucien. He gave Onyx a note and we read it. You were knocked out. He said he'd take care of you. I can see that. You guys have gotten close haven't you?"
"What- wait-"
"I smell him. A faint but distinct smell."
"Oh. Uh. I'll explain that later."

"Well, take a seat and explain now."
"Oh well-"

The thief took a seat at the table his Gramps was in and felt a little regret. Now it felt uncomfortable, especially with the 'scent' part. Who even does that?

"Well. You seem like yourself. That's good. Now. Go on."

Snapped out of his thoughts, Caspian eyed Volkov and with embarrassment, explained the dilemma that he was in, and what happened. Before the little talk in the castle with the gargoyle and guard, was a pretty non-productive day. He just went around town, talked to Odin about his condition, talked with other legends, looked to see if anything was worth pickpocketing(nothing), and really just took a relaxing day. Oh, and he also checked the board. Munin was going against the highwayman. That'll be interesting. Oh yes, and before that, with the little accident in bed, and how he was cared for.

He exhaled and saw Volkov, who was satisfied with his answers.

"You've had a lot happen to you huh? Surprised you went to them first. Glad you're okay though."

"Well, do you have any advice?"
"Do I look like I do?"

"I mean, you're very strategic, you're my gramps, that's more than enough, right?"

The vampire king looked at him and sighed. He pinched his temple and grumbled.

"You're doing just fine, how about that?"
"Well... I'm stuck. I don't know what to do next..."
"Go cheer for him, ask him out for a date, or dinner. Gift him some wine. Seems like the kind of guy."
"You're not wrong..."

"Exactly. Wasn't that hard huh?

"Okay now who are you supporting here?"
"You of course, but sometimes I think you're overthinking. You're fine. I'm just a little off. That's all."

"Well, I can tell. Thanks gramps, I'll be on my way no-"
"Wait, one more thing. I just remembered"
"New roses are growing in the garden. I don't know if he'd like them, but they're best at this time-"
"Got it. Thanks again."
"No problem."

Caspian gave him a genuine smile, flashing his small fangs and Volkov's eyes seemed to brighten. Then, he just nodded, the family smile showing, and Caspian headed out. Out of the room, he pumped one of his fists and then was greeted with Onyx and Magyar, trying to eavesdrop.

"Wow. You made him happy."
"He was in a little bit of a bad mood, no idea why, but you seemed to have calmed him down. Also we're glad you got some advice."

Onyx smiled again and Caspian couldn't help but to forgive her and Magyar. He knew that even in Batavia, everyone was cold, but Onyx truly did have a heart of gold inside. Magyar's armor nodded as best as it could and patted him in the back. It felt like a soft slap, but it was the best they could do and the prince could appreciate that.

"And if you're worried, we all totally support you." Their voice was very jumbled, but genuine happiness was heard under the rumble of echoes. Onyx nodded again, gripping onto her book. Caspian did his best to hide his goofy smile "Like I need your support. I'm perfectly fine!" He flicked his hair stylishly.

"But you were the one who asked us for advice-"

"Ah! Shshshshshhhh no I didn't."

"Onyx, don't even. At least he's back to his cocky self."
"I will steal your boots"
"No, no you won't."

"Look down then."

Both the guards looked down and Caspian flicked the helmet before dashing away, giggling. He could hear the yells of the spirits and the roar-ish laugh from the gargoyle. He ran back to his room and hid. It was only two days. It wasn't even that long, but he felt that wave of relief to be in the castle again.

It was good to be back.


Hi guys! Guess who's back with the most bland-ass storyline ever? Gonna proofread this later. Plus this was and still is a blind story so I guess I should've expected this. In fact, this story started as a joke, which was kind of shown with my old language in the book and the addition of ocs. Why are you supporting this story?

Not that you guys will answer anyways. See you.

Burnt Roses and Stolen Hearts(Lucien x Caspian)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora