Chapter 1

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"Well fuck me."

That was all the short French highwayman said. He was in a bar, drinking all his problems away, well, at least, he tried to. Looking at the spilled alcohol stains on his shawl, his dizzy head wanted to push those thoughts away.

More like the problems.

So basically, what happened a few days prior, few as in 3 long, painful, depressing, very messed up days, was a bit of a craze... you can say. Before all of this 'drinking away all my problems because life is a bitch' was a semi-happy Lucien, believe it or not. And what's more was that he was dating Diana. Again, was.

Lucien had a pretty rough day, the matches he got were tough, and he needed comfort from his girlfriend. He rushed home and came early to be in the warm embrace, basically threw the door down, and-


There right before his eyes, he saw it.


cheating on him...

with Scarlet!?

They were passionately kissing on the couch when Diana got sight of him, and so the fight began...

They yelled, Scarlet even joined in, because she didn't know that Diana was dating, due to Scarlet being in her workshop all the time, almost never spending time with others. When she did though, she and Diana spent time with each other... without Lucien noticing. Some fucking how.

After that though, no one was there to support him.

At least he had SOME friends who care about him. Caspian, that stupid flirty thief, that Lucien DID still care about, was always on his side, fighting even though Diana didn't really care about the thief. They were rivals due to Caspian being the Grandson of a vampire, something the monster slayer hated, and the murder of his father. Not that Caspian really liked his father but, killing somebody who gave birth to you 3 times is quite the deal. And you know what, people knew what Diana did was wrong, but they still believed her over Lucien, because Diana was more liked than him. It was all a popularity contest it seemed. Even after that, Scarlet still had enough love to still date Diana!

It wasn't fair was it? Too bad nobody cared about him. Well, most people. Before the highwayman could get another sip out of his cup, a familiar voice rang his ears. Whether it was good or bad? That was for you to say.

"I would say that I'm surprised to see you here, but I can't say that I'm not surprised Luci." A flirty, smooth voice flowed through Lucien's ears.

"Don't call me that, and I'm fine, why do you care Caspian?" The highwayman was basically bubbling out drunken words. The master thief wasn't going to take any of that. "Look, I do care, just so you know, I was looking all over town for you, and because I, the master thief, basically know where everyone's spot is, it didn't take me long to find you here so for all my hard work... we're leaving." "Shut up. Just because you wanted to find me doesn't mean I'll listen, and I'm fine so you know, just loo- ugUAGHH!"

The little Frenchman stumbled off his chair, and would fall flat if it weren't for some thief... "Yeah, no, that just upped your chances of me NOT leaving, come on, I got ya. Just don't fight back, you won't win. I'll get you back home." Caspian had a slight hint of laughter in his tone, and Lucien just grumbled some swears under his breath, but didn't resist, he just used Caspian's shoulder as support as the thief dragged the drunk Frenchie out the bar.

"Good thing ya got here, that little man of yours drank at least 2 bottles, goddamn." The bartender basically shouted as the duo left the bar, only for which Caspian said: "You should see my Gramps! He can drink more than that! See ya!" He had some pride in his voice but Lucien couldn't care less about Caspian and his old-ass grandpa.

"Well that was nice, now, let's get you home shall we?" Caspian chuckled with a smile, and Lucien just mumbled, maybe even hiccupped "I don't fucking care... just let me go home"

"Someone's grumpy... maybe if you weren't then you would get actual sleep instead of living on whatever the hell you're drinking."
"Now look who's talking, you aren't that strong, physically nor mentally."
"...Shut the fuck up. At least I'm still fast."

"You found him?" A different voice came from behind the two. Lucien brought out his gun, out of nowhere and pointed it at the figure. "Woah! Calm down. I'm just here to talk to Caspian." The figure revealed itself to be none other than the shadow ninja Jiro. Lucien slowly put his gun away.

"Oh hi Jiro, sorry about him, he's... dealing with-"

"Shit like you!"

"Oh my god will you please shut up-"


Caspian sighed, and Jiro chuckled "Ah, I understand, here, let me help-"

"No! It's fine! You don't have to-"
"Too late. I'm helping" Caspian wouldn't protest, Jiro was too headstrong, so now both the shadow stealer and the Batavian prince were supporting the drunk highwayman, who just grumbled and hiccupped. Jiro suggested bringing out shadows to help, but the thief shook his head, saying that it might mess with Lucien more.

"Anyways... where was I? Oh yes! Talking with you, Kaya wanted me to give you a message!" "Oh? What..." The conversation between Jiro and Caspian started up again, but Lucien zoned out. Soon, Lucien felt his muscles collapse, and the last thing he heard was the thief's voice calling out, worried and rushed.

He couldn't answer, he just blacked out.


A/N: Hello my readers, this is my first book and first chapter. What do you think? Also don't mind me being here, I'll ask questions or have some comments. This will probably be a long book because your author here likes writing small interactions as stupidly long chapters. Anyways, I'll see you all lovelies later!

Burnt Roses and Stolen Hearts(Lucien x Caspian)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें