Chapter 27

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Time seemed to just... freeze. The two thieves just stood there. Shocked. But it just was a moment. Before Lucien could make a move, Caspian grabbed onto his arm, gripping it tightly. The highwayman tugged on it, but the other man kept his grip firm.

"Look- listen- You said you wouldn't run away again."

Lucien stayed silent, then tilted his head up to glare at Caspian. It was a bitter glare, as if the highwayman was staring at him with irony. He probably was.

"Really? You think I should listen to you after what you did? That's funny. Really funny actually. Now let me go."

His voice was dull and irritated, but Caspian wasn't going to let this slip again. Lucien tugged once more, but now the grip got worse. The thief was losing his patience, and in a steady voice, only answered back, slowly, building up the words as he went.

"Okay, now listen here. You didn't even allow me to speak first. Maybe if you did, you'd understand that I didn't mean for this to happen. You need to stop being so aggressive. Stop. Jumping. To. Conclusions."

The last sentence was broken up and spat through gritted teeth. With each pained word was a grip that turned stronger. The French man winced in pain and made a soft grunt. The prince, realizing this, loosened it a little, eyes widening.

"I'm- I'm sorry. Just listen to me, will you?" The question, rather, the plea, was turning into a cry. Lucien looked at his puffy eyes and just a small hint of regret flowed through him. It felt like forever to Caspian, but finally, it seemed that the highwayman stopped struggling.

"...Fine." it was a little bit of a shushed, harsh tone, and a suspicious one at that.

"Look, if you think there's more of them out there, there's not. None looking for you, at least." Caspian let go, and Lucien immediately moved his arms back to his sides. Still, he held his ground, and the stare. They both knew that Lucien could just break into a run, but only the highwayman himself knew that just a few more minutes he'd be practically dead, well, more or less exhausted.

"How can you be trusted?"

"What do you mean by that-"

"You know damn well what I mean."

"And this is why you need to listen. Look. This- I- how do I word it?"

"Is there anything to 'word'?"

"JUST GIVE ME SOME TIME! I DIDN'T EXPECT TO FIND YOU, YOU KNOW." Flinging his arms in the air, Caspian sucked in a breath and placed a hand on his temple.

"...Sorry." was all the thief was able to breath out. Just a simple sorry.

Lucien half-grunted bitterly, with a mocking tone. "...'Sorry'? That's all you're gonna give me? Are you kidding me? Just that 'sorry'? Well for what? You have a long list, asshol-"


A little bit shocked now, the highwayman shut up. A little pang of guilt hit him, but wasn't he supposed to be hurt instead?

"Look, Lucien. I'm- I- I'm actually really sorry. I didn't know, or plan this to happen and I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way. I know that you might not care, but-"

"You weren't expecting things to go bad?" Another spit. Insult.
"No shit- it's just that I really wanted tonight to be special for us. For you... and I messed- no, I fucked it all up and ruined everything. I ruined you. I ruined my chance of..."


"...Getting you."

"You already did. Isn't this what you wanted? To-"

"To embarrass you? No! What I wanted was... you. Your love. Care. Whatever the hell you think a relationship would be made of."

No response. Caspian peeked over to see the highwayman just stand there, paralyzed, eyes wide, breath quickening. The reaction made the thief hold his breath and his heart beat against him.

"You... what?"

"I love you Lucien. I always have and honestly I'm surprised you haven't caught on."


"Yeah, I didn't expect you to feel the same back, honestly. It was a little stupid of me to do this..."

"But you-"

Caspian grabbed both of his hands and held them together, lifting them up a little.

"Look at me. This isn't a lie, Lucien."

Lucien could barely hold the contact. He couldn't focus.

"...I know you can't really answer, but take your time. Please."

The thief wrapped his arm around the French man's back and pulled the two of them to a nearby tree, resting their backs on its sturdy bole. Slightly, Caspian moved Lucien to slightly lean on his shoulder. Not that the highwayman seemed to notice.


"It's been like that for a long while. I really tried not to let it get to me, especially because of Diana. I really didn't want to hurt you more, but it seems to have failed."

A small, pained chuckle was choked out of Caspian as he just stared down to look at his boots.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to do this to you. I know you're upset. This probably made it worse."

Lucien looked over and said nothing. He just... stared at the thief. This wasn't supposed to happen, right? He was joking. No way.

But it felt... so genuine. Lucien couldn't help it but to hate the fact that he bought it. Everything didn't make sense, but it felt right. It just did.

"Caspian... do you mean what you say?"

"Yeah, I know. It's real, not that it really felt like it to you. I... I'm really sorry. I should've just... did it right. I probably look like a liar, don't I?"


"I guess you're right. I just wanted you to be comfortable. Just you to feel a little relieved or a little better about the situation. I wasn't trying to rush it, but I guess things had to fall this way... I can get why you're hurt... sorry."

Lucien only gave an understanding nod, well, he tried to make it look like one. Caspian only stared blankly, still guilty on the inside.

"That does explain a lot."

"Didn't mean for it to be straightforward, but... here we are. I'm sorry for how the night went. Dinner-"

"You mean date?"

"...Honestly, yeah it was a date. I'm still surprised you took it."

"You're too caring. Kind. Now I finally get it." The highwayman sighed softly, leaning a bit more on Caspian. The thief didn't mind supporting the other's weight, and genuinely, both were happy that the atmosphere was turning a bit less awkward.

For the highwayman, he finally understood why, but what should he do? Staying here would create another conversation, wouldn't it? His heartbeat quickened as he tried to think, but the thief interrupted.

"You know this is kind of ironic. I'm the phantom thief, no, master thief here and you stole my heart."

Caspian's voice was slightly soft, and it sounded bitter, the irony was clearly seen.

"...I- I wouldn't say you're that bad though."

"What do you mean by th-"

Caspian couldn't even finish his sentence. A sharp tug stopped him.

A sharp tug that led his lips to Lucien's.

They kissed.

Sure, it was short, but it felt... different. Truly genuine and caring, something Caspian desperately craved and hoped for. Now he got it.

When they parted, the highwayman looked at him with suddenly shy eyes. Letting go of the other man's collar, he turned away, muttering with embarrassment.

"It's because you also took my heart. I also love you, you stupid, lovable bastard."

Burnt Roses and Stolen Hearts(Lucien x Caspian)Where stories live. Discover now